Page:Niamh - Peadar Ua Laoghaire.djvu/364

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boċtaineaċt, humiliation, uaḃar agus b., pride and humiliation, i.e., wounded pride and the indignation which accompanies it.
braduíol, act of thieving.
braiġdineas, m., captivity.
bréid, frieze.
bruideaṁail, adj., busy; pressing; urgent.

buac, summit; success; advantage.
buaċtaint, act of conquering.

buanaiḋṫe, reapers.

buiḋean, f., g. buiḋne, d. buiḋin, a company. b. cosanta, a bodyguard.

builg, pl. of bolg, a bellows.

bunaiġ, adj., fundamental. Áit b., head-quarters.
bunáit, chief place; head-quarters.

buṫaire, a mass, volume, column (of smoke).

caḃail, the body.
cábán, a tent.

caḃlaċ, a fleet.
cailís , a chalice.
camṫa, a faction; a camp.
cana stáin, a tin can.
(ag) cantainn, chanting.
caoldromaċ, adj., narrow in the back; (of the nose) in the bridge.
caorṫinn. Bruiḋean ċ., a furious fight.
casaim ologón, I raise, or begin, a lament.
caṫ, a battle; a battalion. pl. caṫana.
cealgaim, I sting.
ceannus, command; authority.
ceárdaiḋe, a craftsman.
ceárdaṁail, adj., skilfully worked.
ceárta, a forge. (Also spelt ceardċa, but pron. ceárta.)
ceilt, act of concealing; a disguise.
ceirṫlín, a rolled-up ball (as of thread); a bundle.
cine, pl. cineaċa, a race; a tribe.
cineil, d., a tribe; sept.
ciúṁas, an edge.
Clann Cais, the Clan of Cas, i.e., Cormac Cas.
claoiḋ, act of defeating; (with le) sticking to.
claoíḋċlóḋ, alteration; diminution.
cleite, a quill.
cliaṫaċa, wicker cages or splints.
clogad, a helmet.
(ag) cangarnaiġ, crackling.

cneaḋ, n. pl. cneaḋaċa, g. pl. cneaḋṫaċ, a wound.
coċal, a hood; cowl.
coíṁdeaċta, p. adj., attendant. (aingeal c., a guardian angel.) diaḃal c, an attendant demon.
cóiṁreaṁ; cóṁaireaṁ, act of counting; enumerating.
coíṁsgar; coíṁeasgar, a fight.
cóir, provision. Do cuireaḋ gaċ aon ċóir orṫa, every provision was made for their comfort.
coireaḋ, auton. perf. of coirim, I tire.
coirtí, auton. imperf. of coirim.
coisreacan, act of consecrating.
com, g. cuim, the waist. Fan ċuim, round the waist.

comairce, f., protection; patronage

cóṁalta, a companion; a brother student.
cóṁarba, a successor, esp. in a religious office.
cóṁngas, m., connection; relationship.

cor, a turn; a twist. Cor i n-aġaiḋ an ċaim, "a twist against the crooked," i.e., a plan to defeat treachery.
córaċa, pl. of cóir, provision.

corṁíola, midges.
córṫa, a coffer; a chest.
cosgar, act of slaughtering.