Page:Niamh - Peadar Ua Laoghaire.djvu/365

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cosnaṁ, protection; act of guarding. Gan c., undisputed.
coṫrom uisge, a plentiful supply of water.
creaċ, pl. creaċa, plunder.
créaċtnaiḋṫe, p. adj., wounded.
credeaṁaint, f., credit; influence.
(an) Ċríostaiḋeaċt, Christendom.
croċaire, a hangman; a scoundrel.
cróċar, a bier.
cróḋa, adj., valiant.
croiḋreac, adj., bright red. (From caor-ḋearg, berry-red.)
cromán, the hip joint.
croméal, a moustache.
crosta, cross: across.
Cruiṫneaċa, the Picts.
cualaċt, a company.
cuardaiḃ, d. pl., travels.

cúbA'ó cut^e drawing himself in (instead of pressing to fight). cui-oeAccAnAf , intercourse ; com- panionship ; act oi visiting. cuttiineAih, act of remembering. 1 5C. An Iao in-oiu, as on this day (said of an anniversary). ciU -otn, a place oí refuge. cvtThtDAc, a covcr. cúncAnóf, the countenance. cuit, putting ; placing, etc, Qx Ajt A f titltb -oóib, to show them ; make them see ; convince thcm. -A bí CA|t éif cu]t f úcA t n-Ónttnn, fthose] who had settled in Ireland cu|tAÍ pl. oi cuttA-D, a knight ; a warrior. ■OACAT), íorty. •DAin^oAn, m., a fortress ; a stronghold. •OÁl 5CAif, the tribe of CAf, i.e., CofmAC CAf. T)Ahi, an ox. T>Án, a poem ; also, a learned profession. "00 iióiit a nxiÁn, according to tlicir professions. "OAnAf, a Oane ; a Norsf', x)Aop-Aicme, a racc of slavos. •oÁf Acc, cnthusiasm; stiongfeeling T)OAbf Ai5;coAc, comely. T>éA5. A. tmcoACC Af nA T)éA5Ait), going out of her teens. T)OA5-hiéinn, good will. T)eAl5, a thorn ; a spike. T)eAit5-ttuACAtt, red rout. T)enhne, a proof ; assurance. ■oéine-T)e, the stronger, or more earnest on account of it. T)eittt)féttACA, sisters. x)íolcAf ; T)ío5AlcAf , revenge, T)t'on, shelter ; protection. T)iOf póittoAcc, act of disputing. T)íttim, a squadron. T)íf5iu5A-ó, act of drying up ; exterminating. X)if5tiétT), discretion ; prudence ; caution. T)occ, adj., hard ; stiff ; stern. T)óicÍ5T)e, thc more likely for it ; on account of it. T)otl5Íof , sorrow ; distress. T)otincuii, a hilt. T)orAl ; T)oiceAl, inhospitality ; churíishness ; reluctance. Tjocítf AC ; T)oicÍ5eAf Ac, surlv. T)óctn ; tjóicin, sufficiencv ; enough. Xy x>. nA cunDOACCAn T)o ttÍ5 t mbjiiAn, Brian was a king worthy of that companv. T)tiAnA-5Áiiie, a grim, sardonic laugh. T)ttcóice, p. adj'., rotten, decayed. T)ttifiúp; T)tiíof útt ; a sister. T>ttiuc, appearance (usuallv, but not invariably, implying a sickly appearance). T)UAtf, a present. t)uaI, a right ; a due ; nature ; hereditary principle. 'OuaI AÍAtt, a quality inherited from the father; (otten translatcd •*kind fathcr"). T)UAl5Af , m., duty ; right ; that I which is due from a person or i to hlm.