Page:Olghьꞩ ꞩkola varas arifmetika – opnuvəm kniga – vəsmu piel̦.pdf/8

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This page contains an image which should be extracted and uploaded to Commons (if it is free in the country of origin) or to Wikisource (if it is free only in USA).

1. Mənvert lev nuerje?

This page contains an image which should be extracted and uploaded to Commons (if it is free in the country of origin) or to Wikisource (if it is free only in USA).

2. Mənvert lev pal̦dsitə?

This page contains an image which should be extracted and uploaded to Commons (if it is free in the country of origin) or to Wikisource (if it is free only in USA).

3. Mozeht menə kukis pərtmur. Vozeht menə anhes pərtmur. Mənvert lev pukves pərtmurə? Ciert kuht pərtmur.

This page contains an image which should be extracted and uploaded to Commons (if it is free in the country of origin) or to Wikisource (if it is free only in USA).

4. Log jorpolət.
Log rik sagket.
Log cifra.

This page contains an image which should be extracted and uploaded to Commons (if it is free in the country of origin) or to Wikisource (if it is free only in USA).

This page contains an image which should be extracted and uploaded to Commons (if it is free in the country of origin) or to Wikisource (if it is free only in USA).

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21 =  

5. Laƶeht di kiepnə pierma cifrət.