Page:Thesaurus Palaeohibernicus 2.djvu/121

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Glosses on Priscian (St. Gall).

P. 26b

… illos adhuc sequimur Latini1 quamuis integros in nostra non inuenimus lingua articulos2. Nam cum dicimus3 ‘idem’ ὁ αὐτός[1], non solum articulum prae­positiuum, sed etiam pronomen in eadem dictione signifi­camus4. .…secundum quosdam infinite siue magis nomine5..

His alii addebant etiam uocabulum et interiectionem apud Graecos6.

Igitur non aliter7 possunt a se discerni8 partes orationis, nisi unius­cuius­que9 proprie­tatis signifi­cationem[2] at­tendamus.

Proprium10 est nominis11 substantiam et qualitatem significare. Hoc habet etiam ap­pellatio12 et uocabulum: ergo trea una pars est orationis13.

Proprium14 uerbi actionem uel passionem siue utrumque…sine casu signi­ficare. Hoc habent etiam infinita15, quare non sunt separanda16 a uerbo17.

P. 26b

1: .i. osní2: .i. compositos ut apud graecos ꝉ huare ná­ndun­tanaic a­carachtar ciarid­beram acéill a pronominibus · ·3: isfollus nach mór bríg articuil linni · ·4: .i. ardointám5: .i. isferr ainm dodenom de6: .i. ind­interi­echt nadrann insce lagrecu sed apud aduerbium numerant atarimet com­roircnich[3] inna ngrec[4] la ranna insce ol ṡuide as rann insce lalaitnori · ·   7: dedliguth tra inna nil­toimdden­sin isde gaibthi igitur· quasi dixisset · ní fail ní nádtái mo­dligeth­sa fair indegaid na­comroir­cnech · ⏑   8: .i. ɔfesta andechur9: Manid­ecamar sain folad cacha­rainne · 10: .i. asainreth11: .i. indanmma dilis12: .i. proprium .i. torand folaid ⁊ inne amal ṅdond­foirde[5] ainmm ṅdiles ·13: .i. inna teoir rannasa is óinrann fardiṅgrat · ·14: .i. asainreth15: .i. torand gnimacésta reliqua16: .i. huare dofoirṅdet gním et passionem   17: .i. is labrethir anáram

P. 26b

1. i.e. we ourselves.   2. because their character has not come to us, although we express[6] their sense by means of pronouns.   3. it is clear that with us the article is not of much account.   4. i.e. for we translate.   5. i.e. it is better to make a noun of it[7].   6. i.e. the inter­jection, which is not a part of speech with the Greeks, sed etc., erroneous persons of the Greeks reckon it with the parts of speech because it is a part of speech with the Latins.   7. of the law then, of those many opinions, it is of this that he says[8] igitur; as if he had said; there is nothing on which my law does not touch[9] after the erroneous ones.   8. i.e. so that their dif­ference may be known.   9. unless we see a different meaning of every part (of speech).   10. i.e. its peculi­arity.   11. i.e. of the proper name.   12. i.e. a signifi­cation of substance and quality[10], (just) as the proper name signifies it.   13. i.e. these three parts (of speech) it is one part that they express.   14. i.e. its peculi­arity.   15. i.e. a signifi­cation of action or passion etc.   16. i.e. because they signify action and passion.   17. i.e. they are to be reckoned with the verb.

  1. MS. υ/οαιτοϲ
  2. recte proprietates significationum
  3. MS. comroirnich
  4. MS. grec
  5. the prefixed is peculiar: leg. dondfoirṅde?
  6. Cf. Sg. 31a3, 33a19, 40a11, 146a1, 148b13, 149b1, 196b5
  7. cf. Vol. 1. p. 613 note e
  8. gaibthi = gaibid + i
  9. cf . Wb. 2a3
  10. for inne in Sg. cf. 4b4, 27a3, 28a1, 2, 28b13, 18, 30a14, 39a32, 41b11, 50a3, 6, 59a11, 61a3, 4, 17, 66a29, 73a14, 137b8, 183b3, 185b6, 201a1, 207b9, 211a1, 10, 211b4: cf. definitio sensus id est quali­tatis esse demon­strator, Suppl. Gramm. Lat. p. 64.