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Glosses on Priscian (St. Gall).

quomodo ‘Lertios2 Lertiades’ … ‘Πηλεὺς Πηλέως[1] Peleïdes’3; et per sineresin4 e et i in ei diph­thongum proferunt paenul­timam.

Inde Promethides5 placidis Epimethida6 dictis.

‘Deucalides6a’ pro ‘Deucalionides,’ et ‘Scipiades’ pro ‘Scipio­nides7’… ‘Demades’ per sinarisin8 pro ‘Demeades’… ‘Euerides’ etiam et ‘Lyco­medides’ apud Graecos contra regulam9 paenul­timam dip­thongum habent…

P. 32b masculina i longam habuerunt ante ‘des’ per sinarisin1, apud Latinos in ‘eis’ diuisas tamen faciunt feminina..

In ‘né2’ autem desinentia quae sunt Iadis linguae3, patronymica eiusdem generis i longam habent paenul­timam, si princi­pale4 non habuerit eandem i uoealem…

Acrisioneis Dan[a]e5 fundasse colonis6,

ab Acrisione7, id est Dan[a]e8. Et sciendum, quod inueniuntur

2: .i. riagolson immurgu   3: .i. dosoither os in ides · ɔdéni peleídes iarum pelídes iarsuidiu ·   4: .i. tre­accomol5: .i. ipromi­thide .i. horminis   6: .i. in epimethis6a: .i. deocalion   7: .i. inscipdae8: .i. tresan­acomol inddá aimm­serda indd gutae9: .i. ar nífil deogur isnaib cogno­minibus · huataat ·

P. 32b

1: .i. treaccomul · e · i indeogur   2: Ní huaitherrechtaigthib mascu­lindaib bíit inna aitherrech­taigthi in ne · acht is ó cogno­minibus3: .i. in­cheníuil­sin4: .i. acognomen hombí5: .i. daua as maith li­alaailiu and ní fitemmar can doberr6: .i. hunaib[2] aitreb­thidib acrision­daib a­mmuntar­sidi adrothreb­si lee ithe conrót­gatar in­cathraig ·   7: .i. uand aither­rech­taigthiu atá an­aitreb­thach .i. acrisi­oneus ishé aḟoxlaid ilair sidi fil sunt ·8: .i. apropir son

2. i.e. this, however, is a rule.   3. i.e. ‑ôs is changed into ‑ides so that it makes Peleides after­wards, and after this Pelides.   6. i.e. the Epimethis (in the accu­sative).   8. i.e. through the combi­nation of the two tempo­ralities of the two vowels.   9. i.e. for there is no diphthong in the cognomina from which they are.

P. 32 b

1. i.e. by the combination of e and i in a diphthong.   2. Not from masculine patro­nymics are the (feminine) patro­nymics in ‑ne, but from cognomina.   3. i.e. of that nation.   4. i.e. the cognomen from which it comes.   5. i.e. (’tis) daua that some like here; we know not whence it is brought.   6. i.e. by the Acrisi­onian inhabi­tants ; her folk whom she (Danae) had (lit. possessed) with her, ’tis they that built the city (of Ardea).   7. i.e. from the patro­nymic (Acrisione) comes the posses­sive, i.e. Acrisi­oneus: it is its ablative plural which is here.   8. i.e. that is her proper name.

  1. MS. peleυϲ peleωϲ pelides
  2. rectius huanaib