Page:Thesaurus Palaeohibernicus 2.djvu/21

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Liber Ardmachanus.

does not yet appear as oe: Loigaire, but by ai is found ae: Lucetmail and Lucetmael. After a non-palatal consonant final ‑i is expressed by ‑i, not by ‑ai: Calpdi, Ferchertni, ferti, Machi. But in the same position we find ‑e: Mache, Slane, ‑æ: Arddæ, Esrachtæ, Machæ, and ‑ae: Greccae, Machae. The gen. sg. is ‑o, not ‑a: Dego.

II[1]. The Irish names in the miscellaneous notes on the life of S. Patrick, which Bishop Tírechán is said to have written ex ore uel libro of his foster-father or tutor (aite) Bishop Ultán, † 656 (fo. 9a2–fo. 16a1). The language shews the same characteristics as I, only not so strictly:

ē: Cēnachtæ, Cēnnani, Cēranus, Cērrigi, Clēbach, Fēccus, Fēchach, Fēchrach, Neel. It has become ea in Druimleas (cf. feadinne in the glosses on Philargyrius), and at the end of a word, Bandea (cf. deadía in the Cambray Homily). It has become ia in fīan.

ō: Bōin, Booin, Boonrigi, Bōidmail, Coonu, Clōno, Crōchān, Gōsacht, Gōsachtus, Irlōchir. But also ūa: Būain, Būas, Chonlūain, Es Rūaid, Mūaide, Latinised Muadam, thūaithe. It will be observed that, except in Būas, ūa appears only before a palatal consonant.

ĕ preserved: Ached, Argetbor, Echredd. By Congleng and Ercleng, however, appear Conlang and Erclang in the list of names on fo. 9b2.

ŏ preserved: Adrochtæ, Cenondas, Hirotæ, Martorthige, Nioth, Teloch. The later Fochlad appears both as Fochloth and Fochluth. Corresponding to the Ogham name Gosuctias[2] we find Gōsacht, where Gōsocht might have been expected.

After a non-palatal consonant i: Argi, Cetni, Congi, Chungi, Elni, Endi, Ferti, Fidarti, Luchti; also in the interior of a word: Amolngid, Caplit, carric, Cerrigi, Irlōchir, Taulich, sertib. But Chungai and Irai, Humail.

After a non-palatal consonant final ‑e is commonly written ‑æ: Adrochtæ, Brigtæ, Cēnachtæ, Comgellæ, Corræ, Ercæ, Herotæ, Machæ, Sinnæ, Succæ, But also Core, Erce (MS. Cerce), and once Machae. Æ appears sometimes after a palatal consonant: Columbcillæ, Dumichæ, Slicichæ[3].

oi regularly: Coimanum, Loiguire, loigles, Oingus[4].

ai happens to occur only before a palatal consonant: Maini, Boidmail[5].

From ‑i- and ‑u- stems the gen. sg. is regularly in ‑o: Ailello, Alo, Arddsratho, Clōno, Drommo, Fergusso, Itho, Nento, Temro. Once a: Airddsratha.

III. Additions to the notes of Tírechán in Latin and Irish (fo. 16a2–fo. 18b2)[6]. The language of these additions shews later characteristics than the notes of Tírechán. It seems on the whole to represent the Irish of the early eighth century, though some later forms may have been introduced by the copyist, e.g. ni fetorsa = ní fetarsa:

ĕ preserved: adcotedæ, atrópert, ōchter, toidached. But adopart, contubart.

ŏ preserved: cathboth, conacolto, edocht, fithot, oitherroch. But aidacht, cathbath[7].

  1. v. infra 262–269, and see C.Z. i. 348, iii. 276.
  2. Brash, p. 190, 198.
  3. Cf. Celt. Zeitschr. iv. 477; the orthography is probably due to the confusion of ae and e in Latin.
  4. From Froech the gen. is Fruich, cf. ruig Philargyrius, tuib Stowe Missal.
  5. By Sele there is also found Saele; so Campum Caeri corresponds to Mag Ceræ, Trip. Life, 110.
  6. The Irish in the Latin notes is printed infra pp. 269–271, the Irish notes infra pp. 238–243.
  7. The preposition oc is written ucc or uc: ucc Ráith Bilich, ucc Domnuch, uc Scí Pátric. So in the Annals of Ulster uc Cuinciu 710, uc Biliu 713, uc Etarlinddu 735.