Page:Thesaurus Palaeohibernicus 2.djvu/214

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Non-Biblical Glosses and Scholia.

separare ab imperatiuis. Sciendum tamen, quod frequentissime iste modus pro optatiuo ponitur uel deprecatiuo, ut:

Mussa, mihi causas* memora", quo numine laeso,

Ergo si ad deos...imperatiuo utiraur modo^^ cur non etiam ad socios. . .quamuis maiores nobis. . .hoc modo. . .utamur ? 5

At tuba terribili sonitu taratantara^ dixit...

(i. p. 450) ...ut^ etiam apud Graecos ai^e 6(f)daX/x6<;^, eKXaj^av 8' ap"" oiaroL

'Pluit' et 'tonat' et 'fulminat'...proprie quidem ad tertiam dicuntur personam, possunt tamen etiam in prima inueniri persona et secunda per poetarum TrpocrcoTroTrotla?^', id est conformationes, uel xo per responsa dei et per apostrophas^, quasi ad ipsum louem praesentem®...

...'ipsi' uero et 'isti' et 'illi' datiui singulares et nominatiui plurales — , in uerbo nunquam hoc inuenitur apud Latinos*, quamuis apud Graecos in multis, ut ervTrrov^ tam singulare est primae 15 personae quam phirale tertiae praeteriti imperfecti...

Earum ergo ahae in principio mouentur", ut...'mei tui sui' genera uero et in numeros et in casus transeuntia finem mouent...

11. .i. abamin fornaidminte^ ar ni reid aforgskxe isindea^ 12. .i. ni meite hid machdad^ forga,re form huare rhbis forgave 20 fordeib reliqua

1. .i. nomen de sono factum 7 niairecar naail do sed hoc tantum 2. .i. d*CMn^Mr .i. ad tertiam haec ue7'ba graeca as6eir sis 3. .i. intan labratar indfilid apersin innafidea dogniat primam 7 secundam in illis 4. .i. intan} dombeir indea aithesc trechomthoud talmaidech 25 5. .i. tonas aiddil - 6. .i. briathar^ do foirnded persin deirb bed choitchen iter huatha,d 7 hilsir 7. .i. tantum A. absce genere .i. nicumscichther dead nindib • nisi principium •

11. would that thou wouldst call to mind^: for in the case of a god it is not easy to command him. 12. i.e. not so very wonderful 30 would be command to them since there is command to gods, etc.

1. i.e. a noun made from the sound, and naught else is found to it, but only this. 2. i.e. these Greek verbs which he mentions below belong to the third. 3. i.e. when the poets speak in the person of the gods they make a first and a second in them. 4. i.e. when the god 35 gives an answer by a sudden apostrophe™. 5. i.e. tonas, O idol. 6. i.e. a verb to signify a certain person that is common both in singular and plural. 7. the end is not changed in them, nisi principium.

a: om. MS.

b: MS. o<f>€adafjios

c: MS. KOLay^av dapa,

d: MS. irpoffuiTroiroieias

e: MS. et evirTov

f: for-n-aith-mente

g: dea for dia, as in Sg. 53» 14, 60« 4, 66^ 24, 162« 3, 4

h: machdad seems out of place; the sense is complete without it: 'it is not much that it should be command etc' Perhaps machdad is an alternative to mSite. For m€ite see Vol. i. p. 549, n. e., J.S.

i: MS. intar domV

k: of. Sg. 207'» 14

l: MS. hreth"

m: Cf. Ml. 20*16, 53«: 14