Page:Thesaurus Palaeohibernicus 2.djvu/217

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Glosses on Priscian (St. Gall).

I habent post consonantem ante* o uel 'eo' uel 'io' praesentis temporis'.,. tertia uero hoc idem obseruatur^ in iis omnibus quae n on P. 167a • habent uocalem ante o, ut...'succino^ suecinui,' quod in secunda uel (i. p- 465) 5 quarta eoniugatione non potest inueuiri^ cum liaec i, ilia e semper habent ante o finalem. Nee mirum, cum solum hoc [sc. pono, posui] in 'no' dissinens et n in s mutauit* in praeterito et in 'ui' diiiisas* terminauit... In Graecis autem dictionibus sepe hoc' (i- p. 466) inuenitur: 'Menelaus,' 'spondeus'..

Et sciendum quod in his quoque' in 'eo' uel in 'io' desinentia P- I67b uerba una syllaba minuuntur in praeterito, ut 'sedeo, sedi'... (^- P- ^^'^)

...nunc separatim per singulas coniugationes de uariis eiusdem P- I68a temporis [sc. praeteriti perfecti] speciebus, cuius dificillima est (i- P- 468) tractatio omnium uerbi quaestionum^ disserere conemur.

Excipiuntur haec, quae in 'ui' diuisas faciunt praeteritum sub- tracta a^: 'domo domas domui'... Quod maxime ex compositis (i- P- 469) dinoscitur^.

Nam a 'circundo' 'circundas' facis, quia 'circum' et disyllabum P. I68b est et magis aduerbium 'Da' enim ubique ante finem corripitur^ (i- P- 471) 2o in hoc uerbo simplici, ut 'dS,turus, datum, ditu, dStor.' P- 169 a

4. .i. iarsin chonsin his suite 5. .i. inchonson^ ante • o • P- 166 a ,. ..,i .7- • / 1 r ■ ,-. continued rehqua isindjrecnaairc issi bis m praeterito

1. .i. imdugud una %ylaha 2. foacanim 3. forhart P. 167a secha/recndairc 4. .i. cid armad machdad anisin ol atd lee dano 25 aji ingnad so 5. airdiden gutce renalali

1. .i. forcomat osoin mdyrecndairc an^e • i • in praeterito p. i67b

1. .i. issed asdoirbeni de uerbo airli^ sechmadachti foirbthi p. i68a 2. asindsechmadsichtu riagoldu 3. .i. indagne forsinsech- madachtu iniia brethre diuite^

1. .i. isairi iscetna co6edne circundo p. lesb

1. acht^ rop reforciunn robbe da 7 nip he som bes forcenn is p. 169 a timmorte acht asringba oin syllsiih

4. i.e. after the consonant which is before (o etc.). 5. i.e. the p. I66a consonant before o etc. in the present, is that which is in the preterite. continued

1. i.e. redundance by one syllable. 3. increase beyond the p. i67a present. 4. i.e. why should that (the change of u to s) be wondered at since it has this marvel (the ending in w-i) 1 5. the lengthening of one vowel before another.

1. i.e. they keep the consonant of the present before i in the P. 167b 40 preterite.

1. i.e. this is the most difficult (part) of the verb, the treatment (?) of p. I68a the perfect preterite. 2. from the regular preterite. 3. i.e. the two forms of (lit. on) the preterite of the simple verb.

1. i.e, therefore circumdo belongs to the first conjugation. P. 168b

1. provided the da- (of dare, datus) be before the end, and it be not P. 169 a the end, it is shortened, provided it exceeds one syllable.

a: MS. disas

b: the h is expressed by an aspiration-mark over c

c: MS. hinfrec, with a punctum delens under h and d written over /

d: cf. Wb. 31« 7

e: gen. sg. fern, of the adjectival i-stem diuit