Page:Thesaurus Palaeohibernicus 2.djvu/229

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Glosses on Priscian (St. Gall).

Cum igitur sunt intransitiua, quia non possunt obliqui casus his P. isab adiungi loco uerbi subit participium..,ubique enim participium loco ('• P- ^^'^) uerbi intransitiui accipitur-.

Diuersa enim uerba absque coniunctione adiungere non potest**... 5 Contra autem nomina diuerea, si ad unum referantur, sine con- iunctione oportet ea proferre, nisi si adiectiua** geminentur^. .. Verba quoque et participia' si sequantur sese, egent coniunctione... Nee mirum, propria, quae insecabilcm" substantiam demonstrant... nee non appellatiua quae secabilem, id est generalem uel specialem, lo quae diuidi potest^ substantiam indicant,. . non egere coniunctione... Itaque cum dicam ' Pupiius Cornilius Scipio Africanus,' non egeo (i- p- 554) coniunctionibus : unam enim his indico esse omnibus substantiam^ Similiter 'homo est animal rationale, mortale, disciplinae capax,' cum unam substantiam significo quamuis multorum communem^ non 15 egeo coniunctionibus, quae diuei'sas solent res coniungere : diuersae autem substantiae in eodem esse non possunt. Accidentia autem, quae substantiae" iam ante suppositae accidunt*"...

Et quamuis ab indicatiuis deriuantur uerbis participia, potestate P. 190a tamen et ui significationis omnes continent modos^.. Infinita 20 enim similiter'^ cum ab indicatiuo nascuntur, pro omni accipiuntur modo^... ...'eo' pronomen et uerbum et aduerbium et coniunctio"*.

1. quia/H 6rethir sis [over this] .i. aicsenogiid 2. .i. huare P. 189b ruhd roAlninter tribrethir inpersan slaindte^ tidsil nominis • roslninter immurgn t7'erangayAi in pexsan hisin • old aiH iamiw doberr ind 25 rang^hkX do inchosc ceille inna brethve condib sinonti persan bes in particijaio 7 in obliquis 7 is ciall hrethre astoasci and • • - 3. .i. nech 4. .i. mat anmann adiechta emnatar and is ecen comaconiol hisiddib 5. .i. dibre,ir diranga^dsdX imvaalle C. nephfodlide 7. acenelchi 8. folad ii 6in persine 9. donab huilib doinib 30 10. .i. istoisigiu afolsA (iiam accideniiVt

1. .i. arberr ciall innanule mod eissib 2. yWra«^abail P. I90a 3. arbevr ciall cech muid ainfinit 4. .i. eo .i. arindi i adaas^

1. quia goes with the verb below, i.e. causality. 2. i.e. because p. i89b the person which the cases of a noun denote cannot be denoted by a verb, 35 that person, however, can be denoted by a participle, so that therefore the participle is put to signify the sense of the verb, that it may be the same person that is in the participle and in oblique cases, and it ex- presses therein the sense of a verb. 3. i.e. anyone^. 4. i.e. if nouns adjective be doubled there a conjunction is necessary in (i.e. between) 40 them. 5. i.e. two verbs or two participles together. 6. indivisible. 7. its generality. 8. the substance of one person. 9. to all human beings. 10. i.e. the substance is prior to the accidents.

1. i.e. the meaning of all the moods is elicited from them. 2. i.e. P. 190a to the participle. 3. the meaning of every mood is elicited from the 45 infinitive. 4. eo i.e. because, or than it.

a: leg. potes, but potest is glossed

b: MS. adiectatiua

d: in eodem— t a substantiae om. MS

d: MS. shiinde

e: MS. adas; cf. adoasa Tur. 35, adwi Laws V 370

f: cf. Sr. 121" 2