Page:Thesaurus Palaeohibernicus 2.djvu/243

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Glosses on Priscian (St. Gall).

pluralem masculini quani datiuos et ablatiuos omnium pluralium scribi, id est 'iidem' uel 'eidem' et 'iisdem' uel 'eisdem.' luuenalis :

dat eisdem ferre cenaedis^

- Solent autem auctores etiam per synaerisin*' unam i ponere pro duabus... 'Iste' uero et 'hie' non componitur nisi per eos casus, qui in c desinunt, absque datiuo^..per pluralem uero nullum nisi nominatiuum neutri, qui est et accusatiuus. Nam hie solus in plurali numero c habet finalem', ut 'hie istic'...qui semper singularera lo sequitur feminini®. Quidam tamen haec quoque per metaplasmum^'^ finis* quam {per} compositionem proferri confirmant^". Vnde nee aspirationem seruant", quomodo nee 'illic illaec^'^'; quod'* autem composita seruant'*, ostendunt aduerbia 'adhuc' et 'abhinc.' Nam 'egomef' et cetera, quibus adiungitur 'met,' magis per por- 15 rectionem'* uel assumptionem"...solent proferri. Et primae quidem (i. p. 591) personae omnibus adiungitur casibus : 'egomet, meimet, mihimet, memet,' secundae uero personae obliquis solis'^ ut 'tuimet, tibimet.' dicamus 'tumet'®.' ...'tutS^' 'tutgmet^^'... Vnde

2. .i. donaib cenelaibsin 3. trithobce 4. .i. ni cowsuidigud P. 201 b 70 fri tobarthid 5. .i. indainmnid hilsav wewtair ishe aoenur arecar contmwed hi ' c ' 6. .i. is fornoin^ ti deilb biit semper 7. .i. trefoxal • e • 8, .i. isticce" .i./oroa;lad -e • as 9. .1. indforcinn 10. A. issi aciallsom ata comsuidigthi ni diltai dano incetbuid nisiu 11. in medio olseatsom 12. .i. cruth nandat cAomsuidigthi sidi leo 7 25 nddtechta.t tinfed 13. ol 14. .i. is folliis isnaib dobriathrsiib so ata comsuidigthi quia seruant aspira^io//em 15. .i. is fochetbuid alanaile beos inso 7 non dicit aliam regulam quia sibi placet 16. .i. treeiscsin .i. condibsia de iudrann 17. .i. tre airitin arfdim tormag /air 18. cenmd^ innainmnid^ 19. dtumet 30 20. ost'A 21. ost'A

2. i.e. to those kinds. 3. i.e. it is not composition with the dative, p. 201b 4. i.e. the nominative plural neuter, this alone is found (ending) in c. continued 6. 'tis according to one paradigm they are always (declined). 7. i.e. by removing e. 8. i.e. isticce, i.e. e has been removed from it. 9. i.e. 35 of the termination. 10. i.e. this is their idea, that they are compounds. Now he (Priscian) does not deny this opinion. 11. in medio say they. 12. i.e. as they are not compounds in their opinion and have no aspira- tion. 14. i.e. in these adverbs (adhuc, ab-hinc) it is clear that they are compounds, because they keep the aspiration. 15. i.e. this, further, 40 is according to the opinion of others, et etc. 16. i.e. by porrection, i.e. that the part of speech may be the longer. 17. i.e. by an assump)- tion it takes an addition upon it. 18. except the nominative. [1] [2] [3] [4]


  1. MS. sinaresim
  2. cf. above p. 50, note b
  3. the second c over the line
  4. leg. cenmithd (cf. Sg. 202« 1)
  5. MS. -aimnid