Page:Thesaurus Palaeohibernicus 2.djvu/251

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Glosses on Priscian (St. Gall).

uel datiuus primitiui per sinagopam, quod quibusdara uidetur quod Dunquam uocatiue positum feininino uel neutro adiungiturl

' O ' non esse pronomen, multis modis ostenditur. Nam ex quo sit nominatiuo'? 'Tu' enim, quod est secundae personae, eundem 5 habet nominatiuum et uocatiuum, qui assumit ' o,' ut ' 6 tCi*.'

Non est igitur pronomen : nee articulus uero, cum semper in demonstratione' ponitur * o,' quae contraria est relationi, quam arti- culus significat. Delude® articulum Romani non habentl ' Qui*' quoque', oaxKi, signification e interpretationis uidetur habere arti- lo culum subiunctiuum, simplex tamen nomen est apud Latinos, quo- (n. p. 12) modo phirima quoque alia inueniuntur apud nos simplicia, quae apud Graecos coraposita sunt, ut ' felix ' euTu;^7; alia mille'". Non tamen ideo significationem Graecam attendentes debemus ea com- posita dicere uel quae ex contrario inueniuntur simplicia apud illos, 15 apud nos composita", ut 'incestus' /ji€/jLov/jL/j,€vo<;^^' . . Sine dubio igitur^' 'o' aduerbium est uocandi et optandi"...

1. .1. asngenitiv i ^o6arthid 2. .1. nibad samlaid son mad P. 207b onchetnidiu nobed ar nobiad frifemen 7 7ieutaT arnaH sodin • - 3. .i. air do ainmnid diitnigidir .i. 7nasu ipronomen .i. ni fil^ 4. .i. da «o do menad nech abuith • tu • air istogarthid • do • nifir 5. .i. hi- togarmim frecndairc 6. innnadiad 7. .i. accuis aile onach articol • o • lalaitn6ri 8. .i. as oaTi^ 9. Qui quoque reliqua .i. uidetur • qui • ha6ere axticulum subiunctiuum signijicatinne inter- pretationis .i. ocrt? .i. indi as • ocrrt? • reliqua .i. inni aetarcerta sidi «5 .i. xssi ind etarcdrt in son grecde .i. oinni inna eperta grecda doadbadar as cAomsuidigthe isingietc oari^ • diuit immurgu qui linni'^ 10. .i. corrid mill .i. foirbthe ar anfoirbthiu*^ reliqua 11. dt comswidigthi lagrecu ni ecen dunni beta comsuidigthi linn 12. son diuit insin 13. .i. o • siv 14. .i. o .i. afameinn 30 pro vtinam

1. 1.6. that it is a genitive or a dative. 2. i.e. this would not be p. 207b thus if it {mi) were from the primitive, for then it would be (used) with the feminine and neuter. 3. i.e. for from what nominative is it? i.e. if it is a pronoun, i.e. it is not. 4. i.e. if anyone thought that it (o) 35 was from tu^ since it is a vocative thereto, (this opinion) is false. 5. i.e. in present calling. 7. i.e. another cause so that o is not an article with the Latins, qui, i.e. oo-t«s seems to have a subjunctive article by its sense of interpretation, i.e. of oo-ns etc., that is, from the sense of its interpretation, i.e. this is the interpretation, the Greek word. From the ♦o sense of the Greek vocable ocrris is shewn to be a compound in the Greek. With us, however, qui is simple (uncompounded). 10. Le. up to a thousand, i.e. a perfect (number) for an imperfect one. 11. although they are compounds with the Greeks it is unnecessary for us that they should be compounds with us. 12. that is a simple (uncomjx)unded) 45 word. 13. o here. 14. would that! iox utinam. [1] [2] [3]


  1. MS. /jxfxoXvixTivos
  2. the aspiration is due to the infixed neater pronoun
  3. rectius comsuidigthe
  4. MS. aran rt Cf. Wb. 9' 10 and 12^25