Page:Thesaurus Palaeohibernicus 2.djvu/261

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Glosses on Pnscian (St. Gall).

suam^° coniunctionis [scil. que] seniat... ...apud Graecos quoque Se in eundem modiim in fine additur'^ nee tamen coniunctio accipitur**, ut oBe, rovSe, rmSe^^*.

Coniunctio praeponitur etiam carentibus casu per appositionem'* 5 solam...

Et aduerbia quidem diriuatiua possunt esse, praepositiones uero positiuae, id est primitiuae, sunt omnes, si sequimur Graecorum auctoritatem^^ ...omnia aduerbia, quae solent casibus adiungi, P- 2l3a Roniani artium scriptores inter praepositiones posuerunt, quia sunt (n- P- 26) lo praepositiua^ casualium et grauantur omnibus syllabis^ uel quia interpretatio eorum apud Graecos* modo praepositionis modo ad- uerbii uim obtinet, ut :

ante era patrum :

hie 'ante^' to Vpo' significat... 'secundum quoque, quando" 15 pro Kara et fierd accipitur, loco praepositionis est.' Sallustius in lugurthino: 'secundum ea'^ uti debetis uterer^' Lucanus in Villi" : (n. p. 27)

secundum®' ^
thebathiam*^ lis tanta datur.

Accentum habent praepositiones acutum in fine'... qui tamen 20 cum aliis legendo" in grauem conuertitur^", nisi praepostere"

10. .i. abidth hi remsamugud 11. A. fortormach • de • apud P- 212 b graecos i7i fine 7 ni comacomol airi cia beith in fine- 12. .i. m oin (continued mod fortormaich son 13. acht is fortormach 14. .i. ammnid airticuil ■ o • foi'tdrmach. -de- .i. si uerum 15. .i. hicomashdis 2-, 16. ar it cetnidi lasuidib

1. .i. is airi insin darigeiisat 2. graif foraib olsodain as P. 213 a sainreth do 7*er?isuidigthib 3. .i. inson fritaindle^ lagrecu 4. anias -ante 5. .i. co 6. .i. iiitayiisiv .i. aduerbium 7. [in marg.] t isare msuidigud^ dobertar indadesmerecht 7 itaremsuidigthib io iiidi greic ama sodain 8. .. acuit inna forciunn feisTie 9. .i. lase aralegatar .i. hisreith rann 10. Legendo .i. olegund .i. hi- filedacht • /ttco7?isuidigud .i. hitosug inna rainne fnsataet incom- suidigad^ 11. fodeid

10. i.e. its being in premission. 11. i.e. 8c is an addition with P- 212 b 35 the Greeks at the end, and it is not therefore a conjunction though it 'continued be at the end. 12. i.e. into the same mode of addition. 13. but iz is an addition. 14. i.e. 6 is the nominative of the article, 8e an addition. 15. i.e. in apposition. 16. i.e. for with them they are primitives.

1. i.e. it is therefore they have done it. 2. the grave accent on P. 213a 40 them, which is peculiar to prepositions. 3. i.e. the word which corre- sponds to them with the Greeks. 6. i.e. secondly. 7. or 'tis for a preposition {sectcndum) that the two examples are given, and for preposi- tions are the two Greek (words), in that case. 8. i.e. the acute on their own termination. 9. i.e. when they are recited, i.e. in a 45 series of parts of speech". 10. legendo, i.e. by reading, i.e. in poetry or in composition, that is, at the beginning of the part of speech with which the composition takes place* (lit. comes). [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]


  1. MS. Tw5e
  2. ova. MS.
  3. MS. iii"
  4. leg. Emathiam
  5. cf. atait .i. suut afrithindleach latinda BB. SI?** 6, Windisch Wb. s.v. frisindlim, frisindle in coin cona dib Ufmaib LU. 60^88, frisindle chaindell, Cormac s.v. Uthech
  6. ar remsuidigud
  7. MS. incomsnig"
  8. cf. Sg. 95» 2
  9. cf. Sg. 158» 3, 4, 159» 3, 197» 4