Page:Thesaurus Palaeohibernicus 2.djvu/349

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I. Colman’s Hymn.

soersnnn"" soeras" in popul • limpa"^^ fontis inGdbai*".
Riiri^ anachf^ tri maccu^ • a surnn® tened corr6dai'
30 ronnain amal roanacht^ • Dauid de manu Golai.
Flaithem*'* nime 16chamaig'* • ardonroigse"* diar tr6gi
5 nad* leic suum prophetam™" • ulli leonum ori.

May he deliver us who delivered the people lympha etc.
The Prince who protected the three boys out of the fiery furnace with
30 may He protect us, as He protected David de etc.
lo May the Lord of resplendent heaven have compassion on our
who left not suum etc.

noUens adorare igne consumptus est. loquitur autem Domiuus postea ad Abram dicens: 'ego sum qui eduxi te de igne Caldeorum' T'"s 9. na 1 5 Calda .i. Caldei dicti quasi Cassi .i. o Cased mac Nachor «ieic Thara .i. a filio fratris Abraham. De Ur... Abraham apud illos F"'^ 10. .i. ronsnade sind 'may He protect us ' F 11. .i. ronsoera^ sinn^ 'may He deliver us' 12. o thoin ^ 'from the wave' T, .i. ablatiuus TF 13. .i. isin gdbud irahatar sine aqua quando uenit ex Egipto, 'in the peril in which 2o they were sine etc' T, .i. isin gabud irrahatar isindithrub sine aqua intan tanic in popul ahEyipt. t com,mad yaba aintn ind luic irrabatar tunc sine aqua; tw intan roboi Samuel 7«,ac Elcanna i toisigecht in popuil atberar so : Filistina tancatar cucufor sluagud co iangatar maic Israel isna loccaib as Gaha 7 Masfad, et unde hie inGabai, 7 rothroiscsetar maic Israel andsen, 25 7 dwat Samuel uscq illustrationis tarsiu, 7 unde dicitur limpha, 7 romemaid re Samuel 7 re maccaib Israel for Filistinaib ' in the peril in which they were in the desert sine aqtui., when the people came out of Egypt. Or, Gaba may have been the name of the place in which they were tunc sine aqua. Or, when Samuel the son of Elkanah was in the 30 leadership of the people, this is said : Philistines came to them on a hosting, and the Children of Israel came into the places Gibea and Mizpah, et etc. And the Children of Israel fasted there, and Samuel put over them water illustrationis et etc. And the Philistines were routed by Samuel and the Children of Israel F"«.

1. .i. rori 'great king' T 2. .i. roangestar T 3. IN anno primo regni Nabcodonozor regis Babilonise uenit in Hierusalem et inuasit eam. In anno uero tertio lochim regis luda dixit (sic) Daniel 7 tres pueri in Babilonem ducti sunt et alii multi secum. 7 ait rex praeposito iuna- chorum, Arphanaz nomine, ut doceret alios pueros de filiis Israel et de 40 semine regio et de filiis tirannorum pueros decoros, ut ministrarent ei post peritiam Caldese lingae F'"» Tri maccu .i. tri maic .i. Sedrac, Misac, Abdinago'i nomina eorum apud Caldeos', Annanias, Azarias, Misael autem" nomina eorum apud Ebreos^ et in igne misi sunt quia noluerunt adorare formam JSTabcodononostor" 4. .i. Jlaith eim" 45 5. .i. sohista^' 'bright' 6. .i. arroairchise 'may He pity' 7. .i. Danielem, qui bis in Babilonia traditus est leonibus et fuit cum eis in lacu leonum per ebdomadem plenam sine cibo T [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21]


  1. eoergum TF
  2. soeras T, sderais F
  3. limpha F
  4. gaba TF
  5. sumd F
  6. coruadi T, corrodi F
  7. leg. ronanacht?
  8. flathem F
  9. lochamnig T
  10. ardondrosgset F
  11. nat T, nad F
  12. profetam T
  13. for de cf . Ml. 61» 5, 9
  14. rousoerad F
  15. sin F
  16. Abdenago haec simt Caldea F
  17. apud Caldeos om. F
  18. F only
  19. Ebreica nomina eorum F
  20. et...Nabcodonostor T only
  21. em F; an etymological gloss
  22. solastai F