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Liber Deirensis.

17. Cooperculum Codicis Bedae Caroliruhensis[1].

(Cod. Aug. clxvii.)

These fragments were discovered by Dr Holder on the verso of one of the leaves of vellum in which the Reichenau manuscript of Beda was formerly bound. The writing is of the eighth or ninth century.

18. Liber Dimmai.

The Book of Dimma is an ancient copy of the Gospels, now in the Library of Trinity College, Dublin. It also contains an office for the visitation of the sick, O’Curry, Lectures, p. 651, where ‘nunc’ should be .N. The four Irish notes printed infra p. 257 come at the end of the Gospels of S. Matthew, S. Mark, S. Luke and S. John respectively; the Irish quatrain is at the end of the codex. The only form linguistically noteworthy is Dimma; the change of final ‑ae to ‑a seems to have begun about 800 a.d.

19. Liber Dairmagensis.

The Book of Durrow is likewise a copy of the Gospels, now in the Library of Trinity College, Dublin, and sometimes assigned to the sixth century. The Irish note printed infra p. 257 is on fo. 173r, and is in quite a different hand from the text.

20. Liber Deirensis.

The Book of Deir is a small octavo codex of 86 folios now in the University Library of Cambridge, numbered i. i. b. 32. Its principal contents are

  1. Ed. W. S., KZ. xxxi. 246 sq. Cf. Rev. H. M. Bannister, Journal of Theological Studies, 1903, pp. 49 sq. The first fragment is written on the margin and has been mutilated by the cutting of the leaf. How much has been oat away may be conjectured from a mutilated piece of Latin on the margin of the other side of the leaf, which, as the Rev. H. M. Bannister saw, agrees closely in its first part with the Stowe Missal, fo. 24 a:
    pro īcolumitate
    lorũ ac re:
    tís adstant
    tirũ ∴ pro re
    nostror̅ •:
    et pro requie d
    iteneris • scī •:
    astico or:
    et ōnib; regib
    = Stowe Missal: pro incolumitate regum et pace populorum ac reditu captiuorum, pro uotis adstantium, pro memoria martirum, pro remisione pecatorum nostrorum, et actuum emendatione eorum, ac requie defunctorum, et prosperitate iteneris nostri, pro domino papa episcopo et omnibus episcopis, et prespeteris, et omni aeclesiastico ordine, pro imperio romano, et omnibus regibus christianís etc.