Page:Thesaurus Palaeohibernicus 2.djvu/350

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Old-Irish Verse.

Amal foides*"'^ innaingel" • tarslaic' Petrura a slabreid,
dor6iter°* dun diar fortacht^ • rop reid remiinn*' cech namreid.
35 Diar fiadait*^ rontolomar^ • nostro opere digno :
robem* occa** imbithbethaid' in paradisi regno,
Amal soeras^ lonas^ faith • a brti rail moir, monor^ ngle^ h
snaidsiunn'"=' degri" tomtbach"^ tr^n • sen D^ donf^^ fordont^**.
Rop &*■ a Fiada*® rop fir" • roerthar^^ in guide "se^
40 robet maccain"^' flathaDe • hitimchuairt na sculese*.
Ropfir^ a Fiada' ropfir"^ • risam huili"^ sid^^^ ind rig:
Sechroised'^'^ rolssam*"® • hi"flaith nime cotrissam. »©

As He sent the angel that loosed Peter from the chain,
may he be sent to us for our aid, may every unsmooth be smooth
before us !
35 May we please our Lord nostro etc. !
may we be with Him in eternal life in etc. ! 15
As He delivered Jonah the prophet from the whale's belly — a
bright deed — ,
may the good King, threatening, mighty, protect us ! God's blessing
lead us, help us !
Be it true, O Lord, be it true, may this prayer be granted ! 20
40 may the little children of God's Kingdom be around this school :
Be it true, O Lord, be it true ! May we all reach the peace of the
...may we reach ^^, may we meet in the Kingdom of Heaven!

1. .i. praeteriti temporis F 2. Herodes Agripa occidit lacobum 25 iilium Zebedei et tradidit Petrum -iiii- quaternionibus in carcerem ad custodiendum, et liberauit eum Dominus per angelum suum T, Herodes tetrarcha mac Herodis meic Antipatris, meic Herodis Ascolonitse, is lais romarbad lolian Bahtaist 7 roches Crist 7 rolaad Petur i carcair, 7 is esede /oraithnieiitar hie 'by him John the Baptist was slain, and Christ 3° suffered, and Peter was cast into prison, and it is he that is referred to here ' F™*^ 3. .i. rotuaslaic F 4. .i. a Deo 5, .i. dar dia maith^^ 'to our good God' T, .i. dar dia maith .i. bona dait ondi as deus ata 'it is from deus' F 6. .i. rotholtnagem^^ 'may we please'

L amal soeras .i. amal rosoerastar F 2. .i. dolens sine columba 35 interpretatur, filius Amathi et'^" uiduse quern suscitauit Helias" quando"™ hospitauit apud earn"" fugiens Achab in tempore famis*^ 3. .i. rons- nade sind F 4. .i. toinaithmech 5. .i. ade maith ' O good God ' T, adegde F 6. .i. roemither'^^ 7. .i. angeli i maicc'^'^ becca atbalat/oc/ie- toir" in sanctitate'^ post baptismum*-*^ 'small children who die at once etc' 40

1. .i. celum [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [25] [26] [27] [28] [29] [30] [31] [32] [33] [34] [35] [36] [37] [38] [39] [40] [41] [42] [43]


  1. foedes T, /aides F
  2. aingel F
  3. doroitei T, dorroiter F
  4. fortact F
  5. remunn T, remoind F
  6. fiadat TF
  7. robbem F
  8. occai F
  9. mbibethaid T, bcthbethaid F
  10. monar T
  11. gle F
  12. snaidsiunn T, snaidsiuvi F
  13. degri T, degrig F
  14. tomtach T
  15. donfe T, don'^ F
  16. /" T, /" te F
  17. rop fir: rofir TF
  18. fiado F
  19. afirthar corrected to rajirthar F
  20. guidi TF
  21. seo F
  22. maccan TF
  23. scuiliseo F
  24. rojir TF
  25. Jiado F
  26. rofir F
  27. uileF
  28. sithTF
  29. msad F ' whoever may reach ' ; sec/^ for sec/iip GC-. 717, W.S.
  30. roissavi T, roisam F
  31. in F
  32. cf. seek ni rista ni tUta Aisl. 53
  33. an ety- mological explanation of Jiada as though fodia 'good God'
  34. rotholtnaigem F
  35. et: hie est filius F
  36. EleasF
  37. apud quam F
  38. apud earn T only
  39. in tempore famis fugiens Achab regem Israel F
  40. roerniter T, roernidar F
  41. mac- cairn F
  42. fochetor T, focetoir F
  43. in sanctitate om. F
  44. bab" F