Page:Thesaurus Palaeohibernicus 2.djvu/351

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I. Colman's Hymn.

"Robem' cendes** hi llethu"'* • lahaingliu*^ i mbithbethii.
Reraig* Mthi® cen dibad" • aingil apstail — ard fegad' —
45 tairset liar nathair^nemdae" • ria sluag ndemnae* diar sdnad.
Sen dd"^
5 'Be^idacht for^rlam^ Patraic^ • co nnoebaib' Herenn™ irnbi":
bendacht" forsin chathraigse'* • ocus'^ for each filindi"*.

May we be without age widely (?) with the angels in eternal life !
Patriarchs, prophets without extinction, angels, apostles— a noble
sight —
lo 45 may they come with our Heavenly Father to bless us before the
host of devils !
Blessing on the patron Patrick, with the saints of Ireland about him !
blessing on this convent and on all within it !

2. {leth)rand so 7 tsed araili {l)ethrand aili occai{T) . . diatoracht 15 clengcdur, masu {lethra)nn cech ai dib doronsat anuas. {no ise C)holman wremorro a 6(ennr) dorigne in immun{sa -]for)acaib in leth(rann so) ar roeccom(lanaig) dianio che{nel)8a ecom.lanaig(/etsa amo)lad som T"'^, {Jiob)em. lethrand so 7 ni frith alethrand aile and 7 is ed{dora)le in fer dia torach[t a de{nam) atbath don tedmaim rnaso lethrand cech fir doronsat 10 anuasana . maso Colman immorro a oenur dorigne in nimmun sa, is airi fioracaib in lethrann sa gen lethranxd ele occai ar roeccomlanaig seovi mo muntir sa, ecoirdatiaigfetsa amoladsom 'this is a half-quatrain and its other half has not been found. And this is what befell : the man to whose turn it came to compose it died of the plague, if it is a half-quatrain ■25 for each man that they made above. If it is Colman alone, however, who made this hymn, therefore he left this half-quatrain without another half- quatrain'; 'since He has made my kindred incomplete, I will make His praise incomplete,' F"*» 3. .i. hifarsinge 'in wideness' T, Lethu leu, ut quidam dixit :

Momathair 7 mlathair
cein robatar na [ni]bethu
bendacht for ec(?) rodosfuc
robo bee mo ...* lethu ■

'with them, ut quidam, dixit : 'my father and my mother, while they lived, 35 Vjlessing on ... which carried them off; small was my. . with them" F"'^

1. .i. rorig 1 rerig^ .i. qui fuerunt ante dilunium 'great kings or time- kings 'etc. 2. .i. in poena 3. .i. is ard in Jegad'^ f egad a,ngeoruni et apostolorum 'lofty is the sight angelorum etc' 4. hue usque cecinit Colman T 5. Bendact for. Dermait hua Tigeman comarba Po^raic 40 is e rotuUl na cethri runnu sa - i is rand PatraXc 7 Bingtee tantum • f uit 7 Mugron amiarba Coluvicille fecit dorigne nadarannsa sis .i. na da rann dedencha, ' Diarmait hua Tigernain, comarb of Patrick, he it is who added tliese four verses. Or it is the verse of Patrick and Brigit tantum fuit, and Mugron, comarb of Columcille, made these two quatrains below, to 45 wit, the two last quatrains' F'"*^ 6. .i. erellam .i.^ adbulellam fri denaim ferta^ 7 mirbaile 'greatly ready, i.e. exceedingly ready to perform miracles and wonders ' 7. .i. for in erlam as Patra.ic ' on the patron Patrick' 8. .i. inte T [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21]


  1. robbem T
  2. esT,(BsF
  3. illetha F
  4. haingliu F
  5. faithi T,fadi F
  6. dihdad F
  7. nathar T
  8. nemda TF
  9. ndemna T, nemna F
  10. om. F
  11. CO noebaib F
  12. Herenn T, Heretid P
  13. imme T, uile F
  14. bennacht T
  15. cathraigse TF
  16. ocus F
  17. inde F
  18. it might be read o[r]ait
  19. roreig .i. seeul fota a tegul ' long their life ' F""*
  20. in fegad F only
  21. .i. seems to be wanting in F
  22. ilenmug jirt F
s. g. ii.