Page:Thesaurus Palaeohibernicus 2.djvu/362

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Old-Irish Verse.

Piidchad^ soscdlae* do chach" • dognith m(5r f'ertae" i Ilethu^^
iccaid luscu' la truscu* • mairb dosfiusced** do bethu.
35 Patraic pridchais do Scottaib^* • rocds^ m6r saeth'^® illethu,
immi co' tissat"" do brath in each* dosfuc'* do bethu^".
Maicc Ebir' maicc"' Erimon • lotar'^ huili" la cisel"': 5

He preached the Gospel to all : he wrought many miracles far and wide:
he healed cripples and lepers : the dead, he awoke them to life.
35 Patrick preached to the Scots ; he suffered many hardships far and
so that every one whom he has brought to Life may come around xo
him to Doom.
The sons of Eber, the sons of Erimon all went with the Devil "(?);

1. .i. donid pvAicep[t] 'he used to preach' F 2. in latitudine saeculi T, i nEtail in latitudine saeculi 'in Italy etc' F 3. .i. 6acMc/tw" 'cripples' 4. .i. Za cZawm'" 'with lepers' 5. A. Do IScottaih ^b Scotta ingert Foraind rig Egept nominantur, ocus is asso rodsdetar'^ .i. Nel mac Goedil Glais laeic Feninsa Farsaid, fer foglaina he, uoluit scire lingas • Venit a Scithis ad Campum Sennar ubi sunt diuisse lingai ; 7 ita uenit .i. cum .Ixx. duobus uiris, 7 missit eos sub regiones mundi ut discerent lingas ; unum ad unam misit, et postea uenerunt ad eum cum 20 peritia omnium lingarum. 7 habitauit in Campo Sennar 7 docuit ibi lingas. Et audiuit Farao rex Egipti ilium studiosum esse, et uocauit eum ad se ut doceret Egiptios circa lingas, 7 dedit ei filiam suam 7 honorera maximum, 7 ab ilia Scotti nominati sunt. Goidil immorro do rod dib o Goediul Glas, mac Feninsa Farrsaid patre Niuil, ' from Scotta, daughter 25 of Pharaoh King of Egypt, -nominantur, and from this they grew i,e. Nel son of Goedel Glass, son of Fenius Farsaid, a student, uoluit etc. However they are called Goidil from Goedel Glas, son of Fenius Farsaid, Nel's father ' F™» g. ,i, scethair ' of toil ' T, soet/uir i galar ' toil or disease 'F 7. .i. re^ai^ ' they will come ' 8. .i. cec/ioew 'every 30 one' 9. .i. Patraic F 10. .i. ad fidem

1. Se meic Miled 7 se meic Bile meic Breguin simul uenerunt ad Hiberniam, sed clariores sunt filii Miled quam filii Breguin. Haec sunt nomina filiorum Miled : Eber, Erimon, Ir, Donn, Amargen, Golptlia . o Eber atat fir Muman et ab eo Mumonia dicitur ; o Erim,on immorro ata 35 Leth Guind ule, 7 Lagein cenmithaat Ulaid ; o Ir immorro ataat side • it uate dano clanna i{n) triir aile, et nescio ubi sunt • acht is o Dund nominatur Tech nI)^uind fri Herind aniar. Cliolptlia dano Inber Golptha ubi Boand in mare exit, ' six sons of Mil and six sons of Bile son of Bregon simul etc. From Eber are the Munstermen et etc. From 40 Erimon is the whole of Conn's Half (North Ireland) and Leinster, except the Ulstermen; these are from Ir. Now few are the children of the other three. But from Donn nominatur Tech Duinn to the west of Ireland. From Golptha is Inber Golptha ubi etc' F°« 2. .i. lotar 'went' F 3. .i. la ail inchis .i. demon; ail side ar a dure i.e. 'the 45 Devil, he is a rock for his hardness ' T, .i. la ciselach t la cisal .i. la /tail inchis .i. la demuin^ liail eside ara dure 7 ara martlianaige tob(aigt/ter) cis [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18]


  1. soscelad T, soscela F
  2. each T
  3. vwrferta TF
  4. i lethu F
  5. dosfiuscad T, dosfuisced F
  6. scotaib T
  7. roches TF
  8. seth T, sdth F
  9. con T
  10. that F
  11. leg. doniic? 11. 33, 34 have been rejected by Thumeysen, Eev. Celt, vi., but he now considers them gennine. Afterwards, at least, these miracles became part of the legend, cf. Lismore Lives, p. 18
  12. vieicc Emir meicc TF
  13. huile F
  14. cisal T
  15. cf. Kisel GC- 1004 et supra p. 258, 11. 43, 45
  16. bavLchu F
  17. claivm F
  18. leg. roassatar, which is translated
  19. deituin MS.