Page:Thesaurus Palaeohibernicus 2.djvu/363

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II. Fiacc’s Hymn.

fosrolaic* in tarmchossal" • isin nKSrchuthe** nisei*.
Condatanic'"' intapstal^ • dafaith'^ cid** gaithe*^ dene*:
40 pridchais"* tri' fichte" hhadnae ■ croich Crist do thuathaib' Fene^".
For tuaith Hdrenn Mi™ temel' • tuatha adortais side"^:
5 ni° creitsef in firdeacht" • inna Trindote"^ fire".
I nArdniachae" fil' rige" • is cian^ dor^racht' Emain :
is cell m6r Dun Lethglasse" • nimdil*" cid'^ dithrub Temair,

the transgression cast them down (1) into the great low Pit.
Until the Apostle came to them ; even the wind's swiftness led him :
lo 40 he preached for three score years Christ's cross to the peoples of
the F^ne.
On the folk of Ireland there was darkness : the peoples used to
worship side :
they believed not the true Godhead of the true Trinity.
15 In Armagh is the Kingdom; long since has Emain been forsaken*;
Downpatrick is a great church ; it is not dear to me that Tara
should be desolate**.

de each propter peccatum,' ' he is a rock for the hardness and the lasting- ness wherewith tribute is levied from all propter peccatum' F'"^ 4. /os- 20 roc/ies A. cis (/orocMa)star .i. rosfuc lais ' he drew them, i.e. tribute which he collected, i.e. he took them with him' F 5. intannchosal .i. int airm cis .i. ail in cis icataat airm doguin 7 do tocraQ) fri each t int ainncoi isel, ar is isd iar coi .i. iar conair inti diabul, i int airmthechtach .i. inti dianid airm .i. dianid inad .i. locc hith inisiul intaii'm/ih i. 15 ... focliond foxala caich cuca .i. pecctha, i.e. ail in cis 'who has arms for wounding and for all, or int airm, coi isel, since the devil is low iar coi i.e. along the road, or int airmthechtach i.e. he who has airm i.e. a place to be in lowness or, the cause of seizing all to himself F"** 6. .i. inifemn 'into hell' 7. .i. iseeret robai ic afoxail lais 'that 30 was the time that he was taking them with him ' F 8. quia missus fuit a Deo ad praedicandum T, quia misus a Deo ad praedicandum'*", sed fuerunt illi .i. dod:::::azabulo F 9. .i. praedicauit F 10. .i. o Fenins Farsaid T, Fene .i. do rad dib 6 Fenius Farsaid, unde apud nos Oic Fene ple'^*' dicuntur ab illo. Gaidil immorro, ut dixi, o Goeditd 35 Glas msLC Niu ineic Feniussa Farrsaid, ut alii dicunt, 'they were so called from Fenius Farsaid, unde etc' F™^

1. .i. adartha idol 'of the worship of idols' T, .1. roboi temel .i. adartha idal 7 sithaige 7 a:::: .i. noa::aide F 2. .i. sithaige noadratis 'they used to worship elves' T™« 3. .i. ata F 4. an 40 illegible note F 5. .i. ni hinmain lem Temair cid fas 'not dear to me is Tara though it be desolate' T, .i. ni hinmain lem Temair dd fas nimdilgen/l, ac si diceret : ni dene mo chotladugud cid fas, i ni delcet .i. ni liach cid fas Temair, I nimdil do PatraXc 7 do Dia, 'or it destroys me not, ac si diceret : it causes not my . . . that it be desolate, or ni delcet, 45 i.e. it is not grievous that Tara be desolate....' F"^ [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [25] [26] [27]


  1. tarmchosal T
  2. morchute T
  3. candathanic T
  4. dofaith TF
  5. gith TF : coiT. Ziinmer
  6. gathe F
  7. deni T, dene F
  8. pridcliaUs F
  9. tri T
  10. Jichte T,ficthte F
  11. tlmaUiih T, thiuithaib F
  12. Herenn bai T, Herend bdi F
  13. nidi T, idhi F
  14. ni T
  15. chiaitset F
  16. firdeact F
  17. trinoite T, trinoteF
  18. firi T , fire F
  19. Ardmaclia TF
  20. rigi F
  21. doreracht T , doreract F
  22. Lethglaisse F
  23. iiiindil T
  24. ced T
  25. cf. Fel. prol. 193
  26. cf. Fel. prol. 165
  27. The MS. seems to have praedicandi
  28. The next letter luay be h or u, the next t, then come three or four illegible letters