Page:Thesaurus Palaeohibernicus 2.djvu/419

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I. Index of Things.

Martyrology of Gorman, i. 617 n., 726; u. 290,
Martyrology of Oengus, i. xviii, xxv ; ii. 301
martyrs, ii. 254
mass of gold, ii. 310
mass, tract on, ii. 252
matrimony, i. 558, 560; ii. 3
matrix, i. 123
Maundy Thursday, ii. 254
mb from mm, i. 722 ; mh and Him, ii. xxxi, xxxvi
mead made of water, ii. 347
memoranda in Book of Armagh, ii. 364, 365
Memorie dell' Instituto Lombardo, i. 716
mendicancy, i. 659
merchant, i. 407
metaphor, i. 133
metathesis of b, g, ii. 411
metre, i, 64; ii, 60, 73
metrical bond, i. 57 ; metrical necessity, i. 464
Middle-Irish nom. pi. m. of adj. i. 674 n.
middle of a period, i. 679
Milan glosses on Psalms, date of, i. xviii ; errors
in, xix, XX ; syntactical points in, xxi
mile, II. 310
milk and water, ii. 277
milking, miraculous, ii. 335
mill, millrace, ii. 336
miracles, i. 382, 574, 605; ii. 253; of Patrick,
II. xxxvii, 316 ; of Brigit, ii. 327
missal, Stowe, ii. xxvii, 284
mistranslations, r. 279, 718, 720, 722
mm from mb, n. xxxvii
molar teeth, i. 256
moment, u. 13
monastery, ii. 27 ; {cathair), n. 321
monosyllabism, ii. 204
month, n. 13, 30, 32
mood, II. 183
moon, II. 20, 22, 114; age of, n. 15, 17, 39,
40, 41 ; brilliance of, ii. 355
morality, i. 610; moral teaching, i. 132, 680
morning, gladness of, i. 32
mountains (slebe), i. 274, 275, 303, 327, ii. 320
mountebank (fuirsire), ii. 140
mouse, II. 293
mules, II. 87 ; muleteer, ii. 116
music, I. 160, 394, 463; instrument of, i. 258,
298, 299
mutes, II. 56, 57
mysteries of the Godhead, i. 601 ; divine, i. 546,
575, 576, 635, 636, 670; of the Incarnation,
Nativity and Passion, i. 676; of the Cross, i.
545; of the Law, r. 599, 600; of salvation, i.
631, 671; of God, n. 255
mystic sense, i. 180, 492
mystical cironmcision, i. 607; rock, i. 566

napkin, n. 172
Nativity, i. 683
nature, law of, ii. 252 ; inclinations of, ii. 356
nd pretonic, ii. xxvi
necklace, ii. 126, 239
neighbour, love of one's, i. 538
nests in saint's hands, ii. 331
net, II. 73, 116, 293, 345; the Devil's, i. 689
neuter, ii. 120; plural, ii. 120, 135, 148, 149,
New Testament, i. 82, 217, 599, 619, 665, 708,
709; II. 254
nine grades of the Church, ii. 254; ridges, ii.
298; waves, ii. 299
nn from nd, ii. xxxvii
nocturn (iarmerge), ii. 312
nominative, ii. 110, 196, 204, 208
North, cleansed by Christ's right hand, i. 494
Northumbrian glosses, i. xiv
nt for nd, ii. 273, 1. 46
nullity, II. 56, 57, 65
number, perfect, ii. 205
numerals, figures of, ii. 57
nun, II. 337; Brigit's seven nuns, ii. 330; nuns
in heaven, two, ii. 349
nuptials, ii. 38
nurse, i. 656; n. 380

0, diphthongation of, ii. xv, xvi ; preserved, ii.
oak, II. 107; oaken pillar, i. 707
oars, n. 90
oath, I. 89, 266, 400, 694, 712, ii. 310, 311
oblique cases, ii. 188, 210
O'Brien's Irish-English Dictionary, 1. 199; ii. 100
O'Clery's Glossary, i. 199, 530, 534, 545, 555,
597, 645, 685, 689, 727; ii. xxxv, 52, 63, 180,
281, 290
O'Davoren's Glossary, i. 578, 616, 713, 724 ;
II. 144, 343, 352, 353, 357, 410, 411, 412,
415, 416, 419
offering in Jerusalem
ogham marginalia, ir. xx ; inscriptions, ii. xv,
265, 286
01 and oe, ii. xxxi
oil {olae) i. 410
Old Testament, i. 84, 217, 223, 599, 619, 665,
686, 687; fables and stories of, i. 696, 699
olive-tree, i. 47, 527
O'Mulconry's Glossary, i. 580, 719 ; ii. 70, 246,