Page:Thesaurus Palaeohibernicus 2.djvu/421

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I. Index of Things.

present impf. ii. 157
preterite, ii. 166, 167, 16(i, 170, 171, 175, 177,
178 ; in -gi, ii. 176; in -a/, ii. xxx, 257; im-
perfect, II. 185; near and remote, ii. 229
priests, ii. 255 ; of the Old Law, i. 710
primitive adverbs, ii. 180; cases, ii. 188
primitives, ii. 215
principatus, i. 519
prison, i. 692, ii. 290
prisoners, i. 606
Proceedings of the R. I. Academy, ii. xii, xiv
proceleusmatic, ii. 58, 59
Prodromus Corp. gloss, lat., i. xiii
proleptic a, i. 549
prolixity, i. 549
pronoun, ii. 75, 114, 192, 195, 206, 217; ana-
phoric, n. 208
pronunciation, ii. 66, 199
proper names, ii. 80
prophets, i. 315, 696, ii. 301, 355
proselytes, i. 542
prosperity, ii. 376, 438
provection, i. 339
proverb, i. 462
Prudentii carmina, ii. 233
psalm of degree, see gradual
psalms, II. 38, 306, 314
Psalter (saltair), i. 378, 428; of Jerome, i. 430
pseudoapostoli, i. 613, 626, 637, 655, 684
purification, ii. 2, 315; of Ireland, ii. 322

quality, u. 75; of unaccented vowels, ii. xxxi
quarters {rathi), i. 317; (tmmi), i. 625
quatrain, ii. 298, 305
quern, ii. 45, 177
quietists, i. 55

rabble, i. 304
race, running a, i. 584
raiment, i. 535 ; of preachers, i. 487
rain (flechud), i. 275; rainbow, ii. 143
rampart {jiuir), ii. 122 ; burial in, ii. 314
Rawlinson, B. 502, ii. 241; B. 512, i. 551; n.
306, 411, 414
razor, i. 243
rebels, i. 420
rebuilding the Temple, i. 665
recapitulation, i. 321, 450, 553, 569, 661 ; ii. 152
reciprocal, ii. 209
recluse, ii, 258
recommentary, ii. 182
recrucifixion of Christ, i. 570
Red Book (Llyfr Coch), i. 563
redditives, ii. 76, 82
rederaonstiative pronoun, ii. 190
refectory, ii. 242
refuge i. 411
Regina, 215; glosses in, i. 1
regulars, ii. 17, 19
Reichenau Beda, ii. 256
relative n omitted, u. 185
relativity expressed by aspiration, i. 716 ; in
simple deponents, i. 431 note c; ii. 31; by
adding -e, ii, xxxvii, 339; in 1st pi., ii. 410
relics, ii. 259, 261, 268, 313, 321
reliquary, ii. 241
Reliquie celtiche, ii. xix
remedy, i. 418
repentance, ii. 151
repetition of words, i. 456
resolutives, ii. 82
responsives, n. 82
rest, I. 709
Resurrection, i. 16, 510, 525, 660, 661, 693; of
all the dead, i. 276, 588; of Christ, 1. 133, 276,
509, 584, 586, ii. 253, 355 ; for reward, ii. 355
resuscitation of the dead, ii. xxxviii, 316
retaliation and forgiveness, r. 661
revelatio mysteriorum, i. 726
Revue celtique, i. xviii, 165, 287, 332, 400, 505,
530, 540, 545, 706, 713, 718, 719; ii. xxxi,
8, 116, 121, 125, 134, 233, 235, 236, 249, 290,
292, 294, 312, 316, 336, 342, 411, 412, 413,
rhymes, evidence afforded by, ii. xxxv, xxxvii
rhythmical prose, n. xxxix
riches, i. 673
ridges, seven, ii. 324, 335
righteous men, deeds of, ii. 355
right hand (desse), i. 434, 435
ring, II. 101
rinnard, a metre, ii. xl
robber, ii. 336
rock, II. 316 ; firmness of, ii. 356
rock-lichen, n. 233
Roman breviary, ii. xxxvi
ropes, I. 656, 667
rose, II. 89
rough breathing, ii. 51, 67, 68, 208
rowing, i, 426
rr denoting non-aspiration, i. 721
rubrics in Stowe Missal, n. xxvii, 251; in Pia-
cenza sacramentary, n. 419 ; in Book of Deir,
II. xxix
rule of the ancients, u. 174 ; of Plea, ii. 328 ; of
Peter and Paul, ii. 328
rushes, clump of, ii. 338
Rylands library, ii. xxiii