Page:Urbiztondo Ordinance No. 10.pdf/2

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Section 1. Title. There is hereby created the “Municipal Environment and Natural Resources Office (MENRO) in the Municipality of Urbiztondo, Pangasinan”.

Sec. 2. Functional Statement. There shall be established Municipal Environment and Natural Resources Office (MENRO) in the Municipality of Urbiztondo, Pangasinan which shall perform the function under Section 17 of the Republic Act 7160 otherwise known as the Local Government Code of 1991.

Sec. 3. Objective. To manage, conserve, preserve and protect the environment and natural resources and solid waste disposal system or environmental management system and services or facilities related to general hygiene and sanitation of the Municipality.

Sec. 4. Specific Objectives. The following are the specific objectives of MENRO:

a. Formulate measures for the consideration of the Sanggunian and provide technical assistance and support to the Local Chief Executive in carrying out measures to ensure the delivery of basic services and provision of adequate facilities relative to the environment and natural resources;

b. Develop plans and strategies for the environment and natural resources programs and projects and implement them upon approval thereof by the Mayor;

c. Promote small-scale mining and utilization of mineral resources particularly the mining of gold;

d. Coordinate with government agencies and NGOs in the implementation of measures to prevent and control land, air, and water pollution with the assistance of the DENR;

e. Be on the frontline of the delivery of services concerning the environment and natural resources, particularly in the renewal and rehabilitation of the environment during and in the aftermath of manmade and natural calamities and disasters;

f. Recommend to the Sanggunian and advise the Local Chief Executive on all matters relative to the protection, conservation, maximum utilization, application of appropriate technology, and other matters related to the environment and natural resources;

g. Solid waste management system and services:

i. Be on the frontline in the delivery of services concerning Solid Waste Management Program;

ii. Enforce environmental laws, rules, and regulations together with the concerned agencies;

iii. Intensify Information and Education Campaign on Solid Waste Management;

iv. Provide technical assistance to target groups and other requesting concerned agencies;

v. Coordinate with government agencies and NGOs in the implementation of measures to prevent and control land, air, and power pollution with the assistance of the DENR;