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VOLASPODEL pestitom in yel 1887 as läbeld volapükik gaseda kondik “The Office,” (nu panemöl “Business.”) Epubom nomomafiko in mul alik jü mälul, 1889, kü redakel, otävöl in Yulop al visitön volapükanis e demü saun okik, efinom nümi zoid 2oid me vöds suköl:

“VOLASPLODEL. —This department of The Office will be omitted in July and the following months by reason of the editor’s absence in Europe. When it till be resumed and in what form of publication, he cannot at present pledge himself to state, as the labors of the past two years have somewhat worn upon him in health and otherwise.”

Siso, tim edefom redakele vönik e no ekanom denuön pübami, do flens mödik bleda espetoms vipi e speli, das volapükans melpoik labomsös bledi okik is in New York, e das nem “Volasplodel”ofovom. In bevütim klub netik pefomom, nemü “Volapükaklub Nolümelopik,”kel edunom mödikosi plo döl väpükik e plo pakam volapüka. Kopanals estitoms tidüpis esegivoms zülagiz, efomoms klubis topic, epüboms kedis tidas in gaseds lemödik, emekoms pükotis, evoboms in mods valik. In lasam yelsik de 1892 pesludos, das klub nedom calabledi okik puböl in lezif New York. Sikodo VOLASPODEL, pos slip blefik asustanom e e spelo ofövom du yels mödik vobädami pebeginöl. Bled obinom disü dukam söla Samuel Huebsch, keli no zesüdos bitopön publüge volapükik ni lilädeles VOLASPODELA vönik, e kel eblufom dub vobäds e vobuks okik fägi lefulnik plo cal. Bekob göni e yufi flenas valik vpa, nestü difs ceds, blede at nepaletik, ab nedeslopik. Me yuf olsik literatik e materik olabobs bledi digi fatäna.