Se̿ng-géng  (1896 (New Testament), 1900 (Genesis 1–3)) 
Gṳ̿ing-nǎing Hǔ gâ̤ Tǔ-kióng. Lô̤-mǎ Cī (aka Jian'ou Romanized). LONDON: printed for the BRITISH AND FOREIGN BIBLE SOCIETY

Se̿ng-géng is the Holy Bible in Northern Min, whose language code is mnp


Mù-lṳ̀ edit

Giū Iŏ̤ Cṳ̌ing Sṳ́ (Old Testament) edit

Séng Iŏ̤ Cṳ̌ing Sṳ́ (New Testament) edit

External links edit