
Whereas in the course of human affairs history has shown that it may become necessary for a people to assume amongst the community of nations full responsibility for their own affairs to which they are entitled:

We, the People of the Pineapple Islands,

HAVING SEEN the ideals of freedom, justice and human dignity that we have cherished being shattered on the rocks of expediency, following the establishment of the Kingdom of the Pineapple Islands, a regime destructive of those very precepts upon which our nation has been built;

INSPIRED by the glorious victory of 14th June, 1973, when after eight years of heroic resistance and revolutionary endeavour we liberated ourselves from the Kingdom of the Pineapple Islands, restored the observation of the principles of western democracy and responsible government, and became free to mold our own destiny;

CONSCIOUS of the fact that to bring about conditions necessary for the full flowering of the creative genius of the people of the Pineapple Islands formal political sovereignty must be complemented by economic independence and cultural emancipation;

BEING RESOLVED, in the exercise of our freedom and independence as a nation, to give to ourselves a constitution which will declare the Pineapple Islands a Free, Sovereign, and Independent SOCIALIST FEDERATIVE REPUBLIC, which will become the fundamental law of the Pineapple Islands, deriving its power and authority solely from the people,

PLEDGED to realise the objectives of socialist democracy, including the fundamental rights and freedoms of all citizens, to defend our national sovereignty, to respect human dignity and to cherish and uphold the principles of freedom, equality and democracy;

DEDICATED to the principle that the people of the Pineapple Islands are entitled as of right to enjoy the highest possible standard of living and quality of life consistent with their work and the possibilities of the country's resources;

CONVINCED that the organisation of the State and society on socialist principles is the only means of ensuring social and economic justice for all of the people of the Pineapple Islands; and, therefore,

BEING MOTIVATED and guided by the principles of socialism;

BEING OPPOSED to all social, economic and political systems which permit the exploitation of man by man or by the state; and

ACKNOWLEDGING our common purpose of national cohesion and our common destiny as one people and one nation,

DO SOLEMNLY RESOLVE to establish the State on foundations of social and economic justice, and accordingly by popular consensus, after full, free and open discussion, debate and participation,

AND DO, on this Tuesday, the twelfth day of March, One thousand Nine hundred and seventy-four, acting through the constituent assembly established by us, HEREBY ADOPT, ENACT and GIVE TO OURSELVES this constitution.