Die Klassieke in Suid-Afrika/Bibliografie

Hoofstuk III Die Klassieke in Suid-Afrika
Hoofstuk III
deur T. J. Haarhoff


(Wenke vir Onderwysers: onvolledig.)

1. Algemeen.

Die opstel van Rouse in Adams se boek: "The New Teaching."
Dale, F. R., On the Teaching of Latin (Constable).
Rouse & Appleton, Latin on the Direct Method (Univ. of London) – Die beste verklaring van die Direkte Metode vir Klassieke.
Cramer, F., Der Lateinische Unterricht. (Dit is 'n belangrike boek).
Cauer, P., Das Altertum (2º Teubner, Leipzig).
Spranger, F., Der Gegenwärtige Stand der Geisteswissenschaften und die Schule (2º Teubner).
Hoffmann, Fr., Der Lateinische Unterricht (Teubner).
Findlay, J. J., Modern Language Learning (Gregg 1929).
Jespersen, O.: How to learn a modern Language (Allen & Unwin).
S. O. Andrew, Praeceptor (Oxford),'n boek vir onderwysers oor die Direkte Metode.
Bennett & Bristoe, The Teaching of Latin and Greek (Longmans).
Game, J. B., The Teaching of High School Latin (Chicago).
Hale, W. G., The Art of Reading Latin (Ginn).
Harrington, K. P., Live Issues in Classical Studies (Ginn).
Shorey, P., The Assault on Humanism (Boston)
West, A., Value of the Classics.
Livingstone, R. W., In Defence of Classical Education. (124)
The Value of the Classics (Princeton University Press, 1917).
Baldwin, The Classics and the Plain Man (Murray).
Archbishop of York, The Distinctive Excellences of Latin and Greek (Murray).
Wilby, S. W., Guide to Latin Conversation (Baltimore).
Kroymann & Regenbogen, Was erwarten Schule u. Universität auf dem Gebiete des altsprachlichen Unterrichts von einander? (Teubner).

2. Rapporte.

The Classical Investigation, American Classical League, New York University, New York.
The Report of the Prime Minister's Commission on the teaching of Classics in England 1921 (His Majesty's Stationery Office).

3. Handboeke.

Grundy, G. B., Murray's Classical Atlas (Oxford).
Kiepert, Classical Atlas (Reimer).
Daar is baie woordeboeke waaronder Lewis and Short, ofskoon dit hersiening nodig het, nog een van die beste is; maar besondere melding moet gemaak word van die 4e uitgawe (1929) van van Wageningen Latijnsch Woordenboek.
Lübker, Reallexikon des Klassischen Altertums.
Smith, Classical Dictionary (Hersiene Uitgawe Murray. Baie vertroubaar).

4. Geskiedenis en Oudheidkunde.

A Guide to Greek and Roman Life (British Museum 2/6. Uitstekend). (125)
Sandys, J. E., A Companion to Latin Studies (Cambridge).
Gow, J., Companion to School Classics (Macmillan – droog maar vertroubaar).
Ramsay, Manual of Roman Antiquities ('n myn van informasie).
Warde-Fowler, Social Life at Rome in the Age of Cicero (Macmillan). Lewendig en noukeurig.
Tucker, Life at Rome in the time of Nero and St. Paul (Macmillan).
Abbot, F. F., Society and Politics in Ancient Rome (Scribner).
Bailey, C., The Legacy of Rome (Oxford).
Breasted, H., Ancient Times (Ginn). Die beste algemene inleiding tot die geskiedenis van die antieke wêreld.
Robertson & Robertson, The Story of Greece and Rome (Dent). 'n Uitstekende skoolboek, modern en noukeurig en voorsien van goeie illustrasies.
Davis, W. S., A Day in Old Rome, Allyn, (Amerika).
Munro, D. C., Source Book of Roman History, Heath.
Hamilton, A Junior History of Rome (Oxford)
Pelham, Outline of Roman History, Putnam (uitstekend vir die konstitusionele geskiedenis).
Rostovtzeff, History of the Ancient World. Vol. II, Rome, (Oxford). Die pragtigste geïllustreerde geskiedenis van Rome deur die grootste antieke geskiedkundige van vandag.
Mackail, J. W., The Lesson of Imperial Rome (Murray). (126)
Haarhoff en Hofmeyr, Studies in Ancient Imperialism (Council of Education, Johannesburg).
Haarhaus, Rom. (Seeman), Leipzig 1925. ('n Volledige beskrywing van die eeuwige stad. Mooi illustrasies.)
Showerman, G., Eternal Rome. Yale Univ. Press (2 dele).
Walters, H. B., The Art of the Romans, Methuen.

5. Mitologie.

Bullfinch, Age of Fable.
Gayley, C. M., Classic Myths in English Literature (Ginn).
Guerber, H. A., Myths of Greece and Rome (Harrap).
Sabin, F. E., Classical Myths that live to-day

6. Taal en Letterkunde.

Mackail, Latin Literature (Murray). 'n Pragtige boekie.
Duff, J. W., A Literary History of Rome (T. Fisher Unwin).
Writers of Rome (Oxford). 'n Handige opsomming.
Conway, Great writers of Rome (Benn's Six-penny Series).
Gildersleeve & Lodge, Latin Grammar (Lodge).
Allen & Greenough, Latin Grammar.
Sonnenschein, A New Latin Grammar (Oxford)
Woltjer, Latijnsche Grammatika (5e druk).
Stegmann, Latijnsche Grammatika (7e druk).
Weekley, E., The Romance of Words (Murray).
Postgate, How to pronounce Latin (Bell). (127)
Arnold & Conway, The Restored Pronunciation of Greek and Latin (Cambridge).

7. Liedere. Latijnse Klubs, Toneelspele.

Paxson, S., Handbook for Latin Clubs (Heath).
Newman, M., Easy Latin Plays (Bell).
Appleton, Ludi Persicí (Oxford).
Paine & Mainwaring, Decem Fabulae (Oxford).
Mattingly, The Pirates (Methuen).
Paxson, S., Two Latin Plays (Ginn).
Schlicher, Latin Plays (Ginn).
Appleton, Noctuinus (Oxford).
Rouse, Chanties, 2e uitgaaf (Blackwell, Oxford) (Met musiek op populaire deuntjies gebaseer). 2/6.
Brown, Latin Songs, with Music (Putnam)
Flickinger, R. C., Songs for the Latin Club (University of Chicago).

8. Eerste Jaar Boeke wat heeltemal of gedeeltelik op die Direkte Metode gebaseer is.

Jones & Appleton, Intitium (Cambridge).
Conway & Walters, Limen (Murray).
Paine & Mainwaring, Primus Annus (2de ediesie, Oxford).
Haarhoff, T. J., Primi Gradus (Maskew Miller).
(Asook toneelspele hierbo genoem).

Twede Jaar.

Jones & Appleton, Pons Tironum (Cambridge).
Jones & Appleton: Puer Romanus (Oxford).
Paine & Mainwaring, Secundus Annus (Oxford).
Strangeways, P. Ovidi Nasonis Elegiaca (Oxford). (128)
Dale, Reges Consulesque Romani (Oxford).
(Asook toneelspele hierbo genoem. Daar is baie ander boeke).

9.Algemene Kulturele en geskiedhundige leesstof. a. Beginners.

Baker, E. K., Stories of Greece and Rome (Macmillan).
Church, A. J., Story of the Aeneid for Boys and Girls (Macmillan).
Harding, C. H., City of the Seven Hills (Scott).
Hodgdon, J. R., The Enchanted Past (Ginn).
Lang, A., Tales of Greece and Troy (Longmans).
Lovell, I., Stories in Stone from the Roman Forum (Macmillan).
Eybers, F. J., Uit die Land van Homeros (v. Schaik).
Die boekies in The King's Treasuries, uitgegee deur Dent.

b. Meer gevorderdes.

Hamilton, Ancient Rome: the lives of Great Men (Oxford).
Holmes, T. R., Caesar's Conquest of Gaul (Oxford), vir die onderwyser.
Warde Fowler, Julius Caesar, Putnam.
J. A. Froude, Julius Caesar.
Boissier, Cicero and his Friends (Warde Lock).
Rolfe, Cicero and his Influence. Harrap.
Strachan-Davidson, Cicero. Putnam ("Heroes of the Nations.")
Plutarch, Life of Cicero. Putnam.

'n Skool-uitgaaf van Plutarchus se Lewensbeskrywinge behoort in elke biblioteek te wees. Van Dr. F. Postma het daar 3 dele verskyn in die serie "Erfstukke uit die Klassieke Oudheid " (van Schaik) - 12 lewensbeskrywings. (129)

Frank T., Vergil (Blackwell).
Glover T. R., Virgil (Methuen).
Comparetti, Vergil in Middle Ages (Vertaling).
Mackail, J. W., Virgil and his Meaning to the World to-day (Harrap).
Prescott, H. W., The Development of Vergil's Art (Chicago).
Haarhoff, T. J., Die Romeinse Boer (van Schaik).
Vergilius, Die Huisgenoot, Okt. 1930.
Rand, E. K., Ovid and his Influence (Harrap) baie goed.
Vosmaer: Amazone wat vergelyk kan word met Goethe: Italienische Reise.

10. Stories en Romans.

Mitcheson, N., The Conquered.
When the Bough Breaks (vir ouer studente).
Church, A. J. The Burning of Rome (Macmillan).
The Court of the Saxon Shore (Putnam)
Davis, W. S., A Friend of Caesar (Macmillan).
Dahn, Felix, Ein Kampf um Rom (vir ouer studente).
Kipling, Puck of Pook's Hill.
Lytton, The Last Days of Pompeii.
Kingsley, Hypatia.
Sienkiewicz, H., Quo Vadis.
Wells, R. F., On land and sea with Caesar.
With Caesar's Legions.
en baie ander. (130)