Die Klassieke in Suid-Afrika/Bibliografie
← Hoofstuk III | Die Klassieke in Suid-Afrika Hoofstuk III deur T. J. Haarhoff |
1. Algemeen.
- Die opstel van Rouse in Adams se boek: "The New Teaching."
- Dale, F. R., On the Teaching of Latin (Constable).
- Rouse & Appleton, Latin on the Direct Method (Univ. of London) – Die beste verklaring van die Direkte Metode vir Klassieke.
- Cramer, F., Der Lateinische Unterricht. (Dit is 'n belangrike boek).
- Cauer, P., Das Altertum (2º Teubner, Leipzig).
- Spranger, F., Der Gegenwärtige Stand der Geisteswissenschaften und die Schule (2º Teubner).
- Hoffmann, Fr., Der Lateinische Unterricht (Teubner).
- Findlay, J. J., Modern Language Learning (Gregg 1929).
- Jespersen, O.: How to learn a modern Language (Allen & Unwin).
- S. O. Andrew, Praeceptor (Oxford),'n boek vir onderwysers oor die Direkte Metode.
- Bennett & Bristoe, The Teaching of Latin and Greek (Longmans).
- Game, J. B., The Teaching of High School Latin (Chicago).
- Hale, W. G., The Art of Reading Latin (Ginn).
- Harrington, K. P., Live Issues in Classical Studies (Ginn).
- Shorey, P., The Assault on Humanism (Boston)
- West, A., Value of the Classics.
- Livingstone, R. W., In Defence of Classical Education. (124)
- The Value of the Classics (Princeton University Press, 1917).
- Baldwin, The Classics and the Plain Man (Murray).
- Archbishop of York, The Distinctive Excellences of Latin and Greek (Murray).
- Wilby, S. W., Guide to Latin Conversation (Baltimore).
- Kroymann & Regenbogen, Was erwarten Schule u. Universität auf dem Gebiete des altsprachlichen Unterrichts von einander? (Teubner).
2. Rapporte.
- The Classical Investigation, American Classical League, New York University, New York.
- The Report of the Prime Minister's Commission on the teaching of Classics in England 1921 (His Majesty's Stationery Office).
3. Handboeke.
- Grundy, G. B., Murray's Classical Atlas (Oxford).
- Kiepert, Classical Atlas (Reimer).
- Daar is baie woordeboeke waaronder Lewis and Short, ofskoon dit hersiening nodig het, nog een van die beste is; maar besondere melding moet gemaak word van die 4e uitgawe (1929) van van Wageningen Latijnsch Woordenboek.
- Lübker, Reallexikon des Klassischen Altertums.
- Smith, Classical Dictionary (Hersiene Uitgawe Murray. Baie vertroubaar).
4. Geskiedenis en Oudheidkunde.
- A Guide to Greek and Roman Life (British Museum 2/6. Uitstekend). (125)
- Sandys, J. E., A Companion to Latin Studies (Cambridge).
- Gow, J., Companion to School Classics (Macmillan – droog maar vertroubaar).
- Ramsay, Manual of Roman Antiquities ('n myn van informasie).
- Warde-Fowler, Social Life at Rome in the Age of Cicero (Macmillan). Lewendig en noukeurig.
- Tucker, Life at Rome in the time of Nero and St. Paul (Macmillan).
- Abbot, F. F., Society and Politics in Ancient Rome (Scribner).
- Bailey, C., The Legacy of Rome (Oxford).
- Breasted, H., Ancient Times (Ginn). Die beste algemene inleiding tot die geskiedenis van die antieke wêreld.
- Robertson & Robertson, The Story of Greece and Rome (Dent). 'n Uitstekende skoolboek, modern en noukeurig en voorsien van goeie illustrasies.
- Davis, W. S., A Day in Old Rome, Allyn, (Amerika).
- Munro, D. C., Source Book of Roman History, Heath.
- Hamilton, A Junior History of Rome (Oxford)
- Pelham, Outline of Roman History, Putnam (uitstekend vir die konstitusionele geskiedenis).
- Rostovtzeff, History of the Ancient World. Vol. II, Rome, (Oxford). Die pragtigste geïllustreerde geskiedenis van Rome deur die grootste antieke geskiedkundige van vandag.
- Mackail, J. W., The Lesson of Imperial Rome (Murray). (126)
- Haarhoff en Hofmeyr, Studies in Ancient Imperialism (Council of Education, Johannesburg).
- Haarhaus, Rom. (Seeman), Leipzig 1925. ('n Volledige beskrywing van die eeuwige stad. Mooi illustrasies.)
- Showerman, G., Eternal Rome. Yale Univ. Press (2 dele).
- Walters, H. B., The Art of the Romans, Methuen.
5. Mitologie.
- Bullfinch, Age of Fable.
- Gayley, C. M., Classic Myths in English Literature (Ginn).
- Guerber, H. A., Myths of Greece and Rome (Harrap).
- Sabin, F. E., Classical Myths that live to-day
6. Taal en Letterkunde.
- Mackail, Latin Literature (Murray). 'n Pragtige boekie.
- Duff, J. W., A Literary History of Rome (T. Fisher Unwin).
- Writers of Rome (Oxford). 'n Handige opsomming.
- Conway, Great writers of Rome (Benn's Six-penny Series).
- Gildersleeve & Lodge, Latin Grammar (Lodge).
- Allen & Greenough, Latin Grammar.
- Sonnenschein, A New Latin Grammar (Oxford)
- Woltjer, Latijnsche Grammatika (5e druk).
- Stegmann, Latijnsche Grammatika (7e druk).
- Weekley, E., The Romance of Words (Murray).
- Postgate, How to pronounce Latin (Bell). (127)
- Arnold & Conway, The Restored Pronunciation of Greek and Latin (Cambridge).
7. Liedere. Latijnse Klubs, Toneelspele.
- Paxson, S., Handbook for Latin Clubs (Heath).
- Newman, M., Easy Latin Plays (Bell).
- Appleton, Ludi Persicí (Oxford).
- Paine & Mainwaring, Decem Fabulae (Oxford).
- Mattingly, The Pirates (Methuen).
- Paxson, S., Two Latin Plays (Ginn).
- Schlicher, Latin Plays (Ginn).
- Appleton, Noctuinus (Oxford).
- Rouse, Chanties, 2e uitgaaf (Blackwell, Oxford) (Met musiek op populaire deuntjies gebaseer). 2/6.
- Brown, Latin Songs, with Music (Putnam)
- Flickinger, R. C., Songs for the Latin Club (University of Chicago).
8. Eerste Jaar Boeke wat heeltemal of gedeeltelik op die Direkte Metode gebaseer is.
- Jones & Appleton, Intitium (Cambridge).
- Conway & Walters, Limen (Murray).
- Paine & Mainwaring, Primus Annus (2de ediesie, Oxford).
- Haarhoff, T. J., Primi Gradus (Maskew Miller).
- (Asook toneelspele hierbo genoem).
Twede Jaar.
- Jones & Appleton, Pons Tironum (Cambridge).
- Jones & Appleton: Puer Romanus (Oxford).
- Paine & Mainwaring, Secundus Annus (Oxford).
- Strangeways, P. Ovidi Nasonis Elegiaca (Oxford). (128)
- Dale, Reges Consulesque Romani (Oxford).
- (Asook toneelspele hierbo genoem. Daar is baie ander boeke).
9.Algemene Kulturele en geskiedhundige leesstof. a. Beginners.
- Baker, E. K., Stories of Greece and Rome (Macmillan).
- Church, A. J., Story of the Aeneid for Boys and Girls (Macmillan).
- Harding, C. H., City of the Seven Hills (Scott).
- Hodgdon, J. R., The Enchanted Past (Ginn).
- Lang, A., Tales of Greece and Troy (Longmans).
- Lovell, I., Stories in Stone from the Roman Forum (Macmillan).
- Eybers, F. J., Uit die Land van Homeros (v. Schaik).
- Die boekies in The King's Treasuries, uitgegee deur Dent.
b. Meer gevorderdes.
- Hamilton, Ancient Rome: the lives of Great Men (Oxford).
- Holmes, T. R., Caesar's Conquest of Gaul (Oxford), vir die onderwyser.
- Warde Fowler, Julius Caesar, Putnam.
- J. A. Froude, Julius Caesar.
- Boissier, Cicero and his Friends (Warde Lock).
- Rolfe, Cicero and his Influence. Harrap.
- Strachan-Davidson, Cicero. Putnam ("Heroes of the Nations.")
- Plutarch, Life of Cicero. Putnam.
'n Skool-uitgaaf van Plutarchus se Lewensbeskrywinge behoort in elke biblioteek te wees. Van Dr. F. Postma het daar 3 dele verskyn in die serie "Erfstukke uit die Klassieke Oudheid " (van Schaik) - 12 lewensbeskrywings. (129)
- Frank T., Vergil (Blackwell).
- Glover T. R., Virgil (Methuen).
- Comparetti, Vergil in Middle Ages (Vertaling).
- Mackail, J. W., Virgil and his Meaning to the World to-day (Harrap).
- Prescott, H. W., The Development of Vergil's Art (Chicago).
- Haarhoff, T. J., Die Romeinse Boer (van Schaik).
- Vergilius, Die Huisgenoot, Okt. 1930.
- Rand, E. K., Ovid and his Influence (Harrap) baie goed.
- Vosmaer: Amazone wat vergelyk kan word met Goethe: Italienische Reise.
10. Stories en Romans.
- Mitcheson, N., The Conquered.
- When the Bough Breaks (vir ouer studente).
- Church, A. J. The Burning of Rome (Macmillan).
- The Court of the Saxon Shore (Putnam)
- Davis, W. S., A Friend of Caesar (Macmillan).
- Dahn, Felix, Ein Kampf um Rom (vir ouer studente).
- Kipling, Puck of Pook's Hill.
- Lytton, The Last Days of Pompeii.
- Kingsley, Hypatia.
- Sienkiewicz, H., Quo Vadis.
- Wells, R. F., On land and sea with Caesar.
- With Caesar's Legions.
- en baie ander. (130)