Thesaurus Palaeohibernicus/Prose


(Cod. S. Galli No. 1395.)

Ni artu ni nim ni domnu ni muir arn6ib briathraib rolabrastar exist assachr(oich)* dluscart dim andelg delg diuscoilt cm ceiti mdim meinni b^ di bdim nand dodath scenn toscen todaig rogarg fiss 5 goibnen aird goibnenn renaird goibnenn ceingeth** ass:- Focertar indepaidse inim nadt^t iwuisce / fuslegar de immandelg immecuairt 7 nitdt foranairrinde nachforanalath 7 manibe andelg and dotdeth iwdalafiacail airthir achinn ;~ ;~ ;— :•

Afgalaf fiiail ;~ 10

Dumesurcsa diangalar" f6ailse dunesairc eu ^t dunescarat** eiiin 6nlaithi admai ibdach ;~ Focertar inso dogres imaigin hitabair thiial : • "


Caput christi oculus isaise frons nassium n6e labia lingua salo- 15 monis collum temathei mens beniamin pectus pauli iunctus® iohannis fides abrache sanctus sanctus sanctus dominus dews sabaoth ;~ ;- ;~

a. Against a thorn.

Nothing is higher than heaven, nothing is deeper than the sea. By the holy words that Christ spake from His Cross remove from me the 20 thorn ^, a thorn very sharp is Goibniu's science, let Goibniu's goad go out before Goibniu's goad !

This charm is laid in butter which goes not into water*', and (some) of it is smeared all round the thorn, and it (the butter) goes not on the point nor on the wound, and if the thorn be not there one of the two 25 teeth in the front of his head will fall out.

b. Against urinary disease.

Against disease of the urine.

I save myself from this disease of the urine,... saves us, cunning birds, birdflocks of witches save us. 3°

This is always put in the place in which thou makest thy urine.

prechnytosan (i.e. praedicent) omnibus nationibus^.

c. Against headache.

Caput Christi, oculus Isaiae, frons nassium Noe, labia lingua Salomonis, collum Temathei, mens Beniamin, pectus Pauli, iunctus Iohannis, fides 35 Abrache Sanctus, sanctus, sanctus, Dominus Deus Sabaoth. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [ 249 ]Canir anisiu each dia imduchenn archenn galar • iarnagabdil dobir dasale* itbais 7 dabir imdudaare" 7 fortchulatha 7 cani dupater fothri lase 7 dobir cros ditsailiu forochtar dochinn 7 dogni at(5irandsa dano • u • fortchiunn ; - ; ». ; v

Tessurc marb • biu • ardlring'^ ■ argoth • sring • aratt • die hinn • arfuilib • hiairn • anil • loseas • tene • arub • bithes • eu • rop aeuhru • erinas • teoraenoe • erete • teorafethe • fiehte • benim • agalar • arfiueh fuili • guil • Fuil • nirubatt • Ree • ropslan • forsate" • admuinur • in sldnieid • foracab • dian • eeeht • liamuntir coropslan • ani forsate • ;

foeertar inso dogres itbois lain diuiseiu oeindlut 7 dabir itb^ulu 7 inibir indam^r atanessam dolutain itb61aib® ceehtar di d,leth ; •

This is sung every day about thy head against headache. After singing it thou puttest thy spittle into thy palm, and thou puttest it round thy two temples and on thy occiput, and thereat thou singest thy 15 paternoster thrice, and thou puttest a cross of thy spittle on the crown of thy head, and then thou makest this sign, U, on thy head.

d. Against various ailments.

I save the dead-alive^. Against eructation, against spear-thong (amen- tum), against sudden tumour, against bleedings caused by iron^, against... ao which fire burns, against..." which a dog eats, ...that withers: three nuts that ... three sinews that weave' (?). I strike its disease, I vanquish blood... : let it not be a chronic tumour^ Whole be that whereon it (Diancecht's salve) goes. I put my trust' in the salve which Diancecht" left with his family that whole may be that whereon it goes.

This is laid always in thy palm full of water when washing, and thou puttest it into thy mouth, and thou insertest the two fingers that are next the little-finger into thy mouth, each of them apart". [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [ 250 ]4. THE SPELLS IN THE STOWE MISSAL.

Arond" ; ; ; SULA ;>"

Admuiniur" epscop nibar iccas ; .- ; ; ; :^ arra®; : :^ r6nicca^ do suil sen dee et c ; ; ; : : gi^ crist c ; nd ; re** lais sid conasellais ; ; ; ; Rose slan do su[l]o. 5

Haec cuTYi dixisset exspuit in terram 7 fecit lutuwi ex sputo* et liniiit (lutuw ?) super oculos eius et dixit ei uade et laua in natatoria siloe (uod interpretatur misus • abiit ergo et lauit 7 uenit uidens":-

Ar delc

Mace saele^ an tofasci delc nip hon nip anim nipatt nip galar 10 nip crti cruach nip loch liach nip aupaith Hi grene frisben att benith galar : •

Ar Galar Fuel;»

Fuil fuiles(?)™ camull lind lindas gaine reth rethte srothe tele tuisc lotar teora mucca iwanais(?) bethade nethar suil narosuil 15 taber do fual iwaitoneitt" 7 toslane roticca ic slane : •

For a ... Eye.

I honour bishop Ibar who heals... May the blessing of God and of Christ's heal thine eye whole of thine eye.

For a Thorn.

A splendid salve which binds a thorn : let it not be spot nor blemish, let it not be swelling nor illness, nor clotted gore, nor lamentable hole, nor enchantment. The sun's brightness heals the swelling, it smites the disease.

For Disease of the Urine.

put thy urine in . . . thy . . . and thy health. May a cure of health heal thee ! [22] [23] [24] [25] [26] [27] [28] [29] [30] [31] [32] [33] [34] [ 251 ]5. THE RUBRICS IN THE STOWE MISSAL.

Lethdirech sund. Dirigatur domine usqwe vespeytinum . . ter f. I7b canitur Hie eliuatur lintiamen de calice.

Landirech sund. Ostende nobis Domine misericor[diain] et f- 20a 5 salutare tuum dabis.

Isund^ totdt dignum intdrmaig ind maid per quern hes innadiudidi f- 22a thall. Per quem maestatem tuam laudant angeli etc.

Isimd^ totet dignum intormig ind mdid saiictus bess innadiudidi^ f- 22 b thall. Sanctus, sanctus Doimnus Deus Sabaoth.

Ter canitw?' . isund conogabar indahlu tudir'^ forsincailech y t. 33 a fobdidithir^ leth nabairgine isincailuch^.

Isund^ conbongar in bairgen. Cognoerunt Dominum. aUeluia. in fractione panis. aUelnia. Panis quem frangim?** corpus est Dowtni nos^ri Ihesu Ghristi. aUeluia.

moel cdich scripsit. f. 36a

Isund^ doberar insalann imbelu indlelacit. Effeta o(iiod est f. 60a apertio. effeta^ est hostia in honorem suauitatis,

Isund^ dognither intongath^. Ungo t6 de oleo et de crismate f. 57a salutis etc.

Half-uncovering here". f. 17 b

Full uncovering here'. f. 20a

It is here that the Dignum of the addition comes into it, if it is Per f. 22 a quem that is in its continuation there".

It is here that the Dignum of the addition comes into it, if it is f. 22b 25 Sanctits that is after it there'.

Ter canitur. It is here that the chief (?)"" Host on the chalice is lifted f. 33a up and the half of the Bread is submerged in the chalice.

It is here that the Bread is broken.

It is here that the salt is put into the mouth of the child (?). f. 50a

It is here that the anointing is done. f. 57 a [35] [36] [37] [38] [39] [40] [41] [42] [43] [44] [45] [ 252 ]6. THE TRACT ON THE MASS IN THE STOWE MISSAL.

1. INDaltoir fiugor iwdiwgriwme immaberr*- In cailech isfigor innaeclatse foruirmed 7 rofothiged foringrimmim 7 formartri inna- fathe 7 alioruw •

2. Huisqwe ^rius in calicem 7 issec? canar occo • peto te pater 5 deprecor te filii • obsecro te spmYws sancise .i. figor iwphopm^ toresset in geclesm •

3. Oblffi iaxum super altare .i. iritwrtwr. issec? canar occo .i. ihs. xps A 7 fl hoc est principium 7 finis • figor cuirp exist rosuidiged hi linannart brond maire. 10

4. Fin iaruw arhuisqt^e hicselech .i. deacht exist aradonacht" 7 ariwpopM^ iwaiwjsir thuisten'^ issed canar ocsuidiu • Remitet ^atex iwdulget Eliu% ■ misseretwr spiWiws sawc^us:-

5. Acanar dind offriund forsen iter iwtroit 7 orthana 7 tormach corrigi liacht napsto^ 7 -x/ralm fidigrad^ isfigor recto aicnith iwsin 15 inroaithnuiged exist triahuili baullo 7 gnimo • Liacht apsto^ immurgu 7 salm dig?'ad 7 hosuidiu codinochtad is foraithmet • rechta litre iwrofiugrad exist acht® nadfess cadacht cidrofiugrad and •

6. Indinochtad corrici leth inna oblae 7 iwcaiiich* 7 acanar occo

1. The Altar (is) the figure of the persecution which is inflicted. 20 The Chalice is the figure of the Church which has been set and founded on the persecution and martyrdom of the prophets et aliorum.

2. Water, first, in calicem, and this is chanted thereat ; Peto te Pater, deprecor te fili, obsecro te, Spiritus ISancte, to wit, the figure of the people that has been poured in Ecclesia. 35

3. The Host, then, super altare, i.e. tlie turtle-dove. This is chanted thereat, to wit, lesus Ghristus, Alpha et Omega, hoc est principium et finis. A figure of Christ's Body which has been set in the linen sheet of Mary's womb.

4. Wine then on water* into the chalice, to wit, Christ's Godhead on 30 His Manhood and on the people at the time of begetting. This is chanted thereat : Pemittit Pater, indulget Filius, m,iseretur Spiritus Sanctus.

5. What is chanted of the Mass thereafter, both introit and prayers and addition, as far as the Lesson of Apostles (the Epistle) and the Gradual, that is a figure of the law of Nature, wherein Christ has been 35 renewed ", through all His members and deeds. The Epistle, however, and the Gradual, and from this to the uncovering (of the chalice), it is a commemoration of the law of the Letter wherein Christ has been figured, only that what has been figured therein was not yet known.

6. The uncovering so far as half, of the Host and of the Chalice, and 40 [46] [47] [48] [49] [50] [51] [52] [53] [ 253 ]ittV aosc^l 7 aiU6ir corrici oblata isforaiYAmet rechta fdthe hitarchet crist cofollo^ acht nath naiccess corogenir :~

7. Tocb^l* i«cailich iarnalandiurug quando canitwr oblata is (oraithviet gene crist insin 7 aindocbale" tre airde 7" firto •

8. Quando canitwr accipit ihs panew • Tanaurnat inssicart fathri duaithrigi dia pecthaib atnopuir deo^ 7 slechtith® inpopul 7 nitaet guth isson^ arnatarmasca iwsacardd arissed athechte arnarascra f- 65a amenme contra deum^ cene canas i/iliachtso isde ispericulosa oratio A no7Jien ■ •

9. Na -III- chemmen cinges in-fergraith foraculu** 7 toeing afrithisi ised atrede iniwniimdethar cachduine .i. hiwibrethir hicocell hingnfm 7 isec^ 'III' tressanaithnuigther iterum 7 trisatoscigther dochorp crist ':^

10. In mesad mesas insacar^ iMcaileeh 7 inobli 7 intamvaits^ admidethar acowibaeh figo?' nanaithisse 7 nanesorcon 7 i7?naaurgabale" insen •

11. Indoblse forsinmeis colind crist hicrann cruche •

12. Acombag forsinmeis corp crist do chowbug coeloaib forsin- chroich •

13. Incowrac conrecatar indalleth^ • iarsiwehombug figor 6g6 cbuirp™ crist iarnes^rgo •

what is chanted thereat, both Gospel and Alleluia as far as oblata, it is a commemoration of the law of the Prophets wherein Christ was manifestly foretold, save that it was not seen until He was born.

7. The elevation of the Chalice, after the full uncovering thereof, qtiando canitur oblata, that is a commemoration of Christ's birth and of His glory through signs and miracles.

8. Quando canitur: Accepit lesus panem, the priest bows himself down thrice to repent of his sins. He offers it (the chalice) to God, [and chants Miserere mei Deus f and the people kneels, and here no voice f. 65a cometh lest it disturb the priest, for this is the right of it, that his mind separate not from God while he chants this lesson. Hence its nomen is periculosa oratio.

9. The three steps which the ordained man steppeth backwards and which he again steps forward, this is the triad in which everyone sins, to wit, in word, in thought, in deed ; and this is the triad of things by which he is renovated iterum and by which he is moved to Christ's Body.

10. The examination wherewith the priest examines the Chalice and the Host, and the effort which he essays to break it, that is a figure of the insults and of the buffets and of the seizure (of Christ).

11. The Host on the paten (is) Christ's Flesh on the tree of the Cross.

12. The fraction on the paten is the breaking of Christ's Body with nails on the Cross.

13. The meeting wherewith the two halves meet after the fraction (is) a figure of the wholeness of Christ's Body after His resurrection. [54] [55] [56] [57] [58] [59] [60] [61] [62] [63] [64] [65] [ 254 ]14. In fobdod fombaiter iwdalled figor fobdotha cuirp exist inna- fuil iarnaaithchumbu" hicroich •

15. Inpars benar ahichtw?' indlithe bis forlaim cli figor i/idaith- chumnii cosi?idlagin iwoxil intuib deiss arisslar robui aiged exist m cruce .i. contra cimtatern j issair" robui aigeth longini arrobothuaisre 5 dosuidiu isset^ ropodesse*' do cvist : ~

16. Ataat -uii- figne forsinchombug .i. -u- parsa diobli choitchinn hifigmV «u- sense anmse • a -uii- diobli • noeb 7 huag acht na huaisli. hifigMzr -UII- ndana spirtYws saiicti • A -uiii- di obli • martor • hifigmr indnuifiadnisi ochti • A -uiiii- di obli downich hi figm'r noe montar 'o nimse 7 noengrath secalsa. A -xi- diobli apstoZ hifig<^^V innaairme anfuirbthe^ apos^o/ iarnir/tmarmtts iudse ; A -xii- deobli kt- 7 chenlai f. 65b hiforaithmut airmse foirbte* iwna napstal, A •Xlll« diobli minchasc* 7 fele fresgabale priws cefodailter ni bes miniu iarwm octecht dolaiwi hifi gwt'r cvist conadib napstoiai6 deac : • ^5

17. Inna -u* 7 iwna 'Uii- 7 irma -uiii- 7 inna •uiill- 7 iwna -xi- 7 i^rna -xti- 7 i??na -xiii- IThe acuicsescot samlith 7 ishse lin pars iwsin bis i?iobli case 7 notlaic 7 cheiincigis arcongaibther huile hi crist iwsin 7 ishitorrund cruisse suidigthir huile forsi^imeis 7 isforcloen

14. The submersion with which the two halves are submerged (in 20 the chalice is) a figure of the submersion of Christ's Body in His Blood after His wounding on the Cross.

15. The particle that is cut off from the bottom of the half which is on the (priest's) left hand is the figure of the wounding with the lance in the armpit of the right side ; for westwards was Christ's face on the 25 Cross, to wit, contra ciuitatem, and eastwards was the face of Longinus ; what to him was the left to Christ was the right.

16. The confraction is of seven kinds ^, to wit, five particles of the common Host as a figure of the five senses of the soul : seven of the Host of saints and virgins, save the chief ones, as a figure of the seven 30 gifts of the Holy Ghost*': eight (particles) of the martyrs' Host as a figure of the octonary New Testament *: nine of the Host of Sunday as a figure of the nine households of heaven^ and the nine grades of the Church : eleven of the Host of the Apostles as a figure of the incomplete number of the Apostles after the sin of Judas: twelve of the Host of the 35 Kalends (the Circumcision) and of Maundy Thursday, in commemoration f. 65b of the complete number of the Apostles : thirteen of the Host of Low- Sunday and the Festival of the Ascension formerly, although later something less is distributed at the communion as a figure of Christ with His twelve apostles. 40

17. The five and the seven and the eight and the nine and the eleven and the twelve and the thirteen they are sixty-five thus, and that is the number of the particles that is in the Host of Easter and Christmas and Whitsunday, for in Christ is all that comprised, and in the form of a [66] [67] [68] [69] [70] [71] [72] [73] [74] [75] [ 255 ]inpars ochtarach forlaiw clii • ut dictum est inclinato* capite tradidit sptnfum^:-

18. Suidigoth combuig case 7 not^aic -in- parsa deac ineo na cros • a Ulili' innatarsno -XX- pars i/macuairt roth u- parsaB cache oxile a -xui- iiir iwcuaird 7 chorp nacros .i. a llil- cacharainne^'i^ipars medonach ishi diatet intii oifres^ .i. figor i/ibruinni cosnarunaib a7?ibis hosen suas dind eo • doepscopbaib • atarsno- forlaim cli dosacardaib • a ni • {orVdxm deis • dohuilib fogradaib • ani* ondtarsno sis doanchortib 7 aes na^ aithirge. Ani bis isi?idoxil ochtarthuaiscerdig dofirmacclerchib indochtardescerdach domaccaib ennsraib • auichtarthuaiscerc^acA doaes aitherge • anichtardescerc^cA doais lanamnassa dligthig 7 doaes na tet dolaim ria??! •

19. ISseo? t7'a asbrig ladia menmse dobuith hifig7'aib mo&Hnd^ f- 66a 7 corophe tomen7?ime indrann" arafoemi din obli amail bith ball dicnsi assachroich 7 ara/wbe croch sa(it)hir for each arith fein* ore noenigether frisi?ichorp" crochthe. Nitechte aslocod inparsa cenamlaissiuth amal nan coer cen saigith mlas hirruna de : — Nicoir atecht fo culfiacli • hifigutr nan coir rosaegeth fornina de na forberther heres noco : ~

Finit. amen. Deo gratms.

cross is all set on the paten, and the upper part is inclined on the left hand, as was said : Inclinato capite tradidit spiritum.

18. The arrangement of the confraction at Easter and Christmas': thirteen particles in the stem of the crosses, nine in its cross-piece, twenty particles in its circle- wheel™, five particles in each angle, sixteen both in the circle and in the body of the crosses, that is, four for every part. The middle particle is that to which the masspriest" goes i.e. the figure of the breast with the secrets. What is from that upwards of the shaft to bishops : the cross-piece on the left hand to priests : that on the right hand to all subgrades ; that from the cross-piece down to anchorites and penitents: that which is in the left upper angle to true young clerics: the right upper to innocent children; the left lower to folk of repentance, the right lower to folk lawfully married and to those that go not before to communion

19. This is what God deems worthy, the mind to be in the symbols f. 66a of the mass, and that this be thy mind : the portion of the Host which thou receivest (to be) as it were a member of Christ from His Cross, and that there may be a cross of labour on each (in) his own course, because it unites to the crucified Body. It is not meet to swallow the particle 40 without tasting it, as it is improper not to seek to bring savours into God's mysteries. It is not proper for it to go under the back-teeth, (this) symbolizing that it is improper to dispute overmuch on God's mysteries, lest heresy should be increased thereby.

Finit. Amen. Deo gratias. [76] [77] [78] [79] [80] [81] [82] [83] [84] [85] [86] [ 256 ]7. NOTES ON THE COVER OF THE REICHENAU BEDA.

(BiBL. Carolisr. No. clxvii.)

At top of page :

...sancte trinitatis et sancti cronani, filii lugseddn".

Fragments of twenty-nine lines^ :

Col. 1 : audpairtt so | tho 6thurcbail | essi*' cotuaisri [ ^id de | 6ir et | : reod : | thuil (?) | : clae | : daib : | huasa | ach et | et dith | sacar j et tua I aithir | mail | b:: :ic(?) | fornn | rbu . et | o neuch | in- dama | rtnaig | ndhuili | thur : | si cot : : | cainre | dia . dr | daib . d I : I -i

Col. 2 Ditholu aechtrann et uarnat et geinte • et fochide • diphlagaib tened et noine • et gorte et galra? nile ndcsamle.

Col. 2 (Save us) from a flood of foreigners^ and foes and pagans and tribu- lations : from plagues of fire and famine and hunger and many divers diseases ^ [87] [88] [89] [90] [91] [92] [ 257 ]NOTES IN THE BOOKS OF DIMMA, DURROW, AND DEIR.

A. Book of Dimma.

Ordit do dimmu rodscrib pro deo 7 benedictione.

Oroit do dimmu.

Oroit do dianchridiu diaroscribad hie liber et dodimmut^scrihenti. amen...

finit>^ dimma mace nathi.^...

B. Book of Durrow.

Ji Miserere domine nseraani ^. . .>j< fili neth. . .

Ernn^ dom hilluag mo saethir al::: ^ain alt cen dichill

: : : : •.'^ nech^ nacrad ocus atrab ind Hchith • •</poem>

C. The Colophon in the Book of Deir.

Forchubus caich duini imbia arrath inlebran colli aratardda bendacht foranmain intruagain rodscribai.

A prayer for Diramae who has written it pro etc,

A prayer for Dimmae.

A prayer for Dianchride for whom hie liber has been written, and for Dimmae scrihenti. Amen.

Give me in reward for my labour O L without neglect and a habitation in heaven.

(Be it) on the conscience of every one with whom shall be* the booklet with beauty that he bestow a blessing on the soul of the poor wretch who has copied it. [93] [94] [95] [96] [97] [ 258 ]EXTRACTS FROM VITA SANCTI FINDANI.

(BiBL. Vadiana Sangallensis, A.C. 23.)

p. 40 Caput XI. Findanus cum recludi uoluisset et instantibus precibus pro hoc domini uoluntatem scire laboraret, uox huiuscemodi ad eum delapsa est : is cet duit 6dia *. 5

p. 41 Caput XIV. Reclusus iam cum tanta fames eum urgeret ut panem totum et plus manducare uellet, in natale S. Patricii quae tunc forte aduenerat, Deum sedulo rogauit, ut huiuscemodi ingluuiem ipsius interuentu a se auferret. Qui mox post orationem et lacriraas, quas incomparabiliter etiam in leuibus rebus fundere solebat, tale ora- lo culum aure percepit, propria lingua prolatum : Ataich crist ocus patric artmache farnd feil tdm nd cisel teilc bruth is tart doit teilc coil farcisel^.

P. 44 Caput XVIII. In natali sancti Columbae iterum temptatione afflictus et in dubitatione positus, si paruam annonam, quae ad i.s uictam cottidianum sicut aliis monachis ipsi quoque dabatur pau- peribus erogare debuisset. Reputabat enim secum, ne si cibos de aliorum labore sibi oblatos pauperibus erogasset, hinc deum oifen- deret. De hac igitur re Domini uoluntatem per intercessionem sancti Columbae precibus et lacrimis requirebat. Cui tale continuo ^o responsum uoce suauissima diuinitas direxit Gucenn do chdch cucenn detfadin- maith detfadin maith do chdch".

P. 45 Caput XIX. Primis quoque diebus, quo poenalem locum, quem in hoc mundo pro Dei amore delegerat, intrare ilium contigit, gulae nimium uicio temptatus est. Nam usque ad horam, qua caeteri ^5 reficiebantur, expectare nequaquam poterat, sed etiam donee euan- gelium legeretur, a cibo abstinere nequiuerat. Qua suggestione uehementer aflfectus et ultra quam credi potest erubescens, ad solita confugit auxilia. In festiuitate quippe sancti Aidani episcopi audiuit, cum illius imploraret adminicula, huiuscemodi uocem : 3° Ainmne ilao ocus innaidchi. nilonge colonge c4le dd remut no fer fas^ sruithiu^. Qua uoce statim temptatio ipsa sedata est.

P. 40 Thou art permitted of God ^.

P. 41 Entreat Christ and Patrick of Armagh, on whom there is neither plague nor Devil, throw off fever and thirst from thee, throw off 35 hunger 8 (?) on the Devil ^

P. 44 Thine own kitchen is everyone's kitchen : everyone's good thine own good.

P. 45 Patience by day and by night. Thou shouldst not eat until a Culdee eats before thee, or a man who is older. 4° [98] [99] [100] [101] [102] [103] [104] [105]

  1. There is no mark of contraction, but the word stands close to the upper margin, and the mark may have been lost
  2. ge is written in a peculiar ligature, the top part of which at first sight looks like (b
  3. leg. with Thurneysen, dingalar
  4. leg. dunesarcat
  5. MS. unctus
  6. From delg to todaig is to us unintelligible. But see Windisch, Berichte der Konigl. Sachs. Gesellschaft, 1890, S. 95—97
  7. Zimmer KZ. 33, 146 note, compares the A.S. spell a>wer sie wi> woetre gemenged
  8. Matth. xxviii. 19
  9. leg. dosale
  10. MS. imdttchenn, with a punctum delens under each letter and .i. imduda are superscribed
  11. n over the line
  12. MS. forsate
  13. The words atanessam dolutain itMlaib are written over dabir itbeulu 7 imbir idarner preceded by a cenn fa eite
  14. marb-biu seems to be a compound meaning ' those sick to death ' : cf. cofagbaindse an-eltae beo-marbae LU. 114» 18 J.S.
  15. literally, 'bloods of iron,' pi. for sg. as in arfiueh fuili 1. 7
  16. anib = arrub?
  17. for figte, pres. ind. pi. 3 rel. of figim
  18. i.e. a tumour /rir«c?an. Rev. Celt. 11. 197
  19. cf. admuiniur teora ingena Flithais LBr. 99, also Ir. Texte in. 1, 53, 54
  20. see Cormac s.v. Dianc6cht, and Rev. Celt. xn. 56, 125
  21. This seems to have no relation to what precedes it. It should, as in the other cases, explain the application, but it does not tell what is to be put in the hand
  22. Darf man an O'Reillys onda 'simple, silly, weak, lazy,' erinnern? Zimmer, KZ. This is onna A. baeth in Corm. Tr. 132, and H. 3. 18, p. T?**. The Skr. andha 'blind' and the (Gallo-)Lat. anda-bata may possibly be cognate. W.S.
  23. suil Zimmer, but a photograph shews sula
  24. Zimmer KZ. 28, 378, would read Admunmar 'wir ehren.' But cf. Admuiniur inslanicid, supra p. 249. Admuiniur teora ingena flithais, LB. 99. W.S. ; in a photograph there seems to be room for more letters, but the word is indistinct ; not improbably admunniur. J.S.
  25. possibly eight letters are lost, Gwynn
  26. aiTdr^, Gwynn
  27. leg. rohicca
  28. five or six letters may be lost; the last may be r
  29. conderc or conderc, Gwynn
  30. MS. puto
  31. John ix. 7
  32. literally, 'filius sputi'
  33. Suil suiles? The photograph shews no trace of the cross stroke of/
  34. to nert, Gwynn
  35. leg. Issund
  36. = iiina diud idi, cf. Wb. 4« 39
  37. two or perhaps three letters have been erased before tvuir ; probably four letters, Gwynn
  38. leg. fobdidither
  39. leg. cJiailiuch
  40. i(p<t>aed, Mark vii. 34
  41. MS. intogath, Gwynn
  42. the chalice is half uncovered before the reading of the lesson from John c. 6
  43. the chalice is wholly uncovered after that lesson is read
  44. The clause Per quem (Majestatem tuam laudant angeli) seems to have been used only on saints' days and festivals, and then the prayer R. Dignum et iustum est. Sac. Vere dignum et iustum est, etc. with additions to its ordinary form, was introduced into the Ordo Missae
  45. The celebrant appears to have had several Hosts, of which one, destined for the priest himself, was larger than the others destined for the communicants. W.S.
  46. cf. imrubart a chumachta /air, Cormac s.v. Diancecht.
  47. =d6enacht
  48. leg. athuisten?
  49. literally ; ' psalm of degree ' or step : an antiphon sung on the steps of the altar between the Epistle and the Gospel at the Eucharist
  50. acht om. MS.
  51. recte in chailich
  52. 'mixed with the water'? cf. cuvimisc ar tiir Wb. 13" 3. J.S.
  53. read perhaps inro athnuiged aithgne Crist ' in which the knowledge of Christ was renewed': cf. LB. 251' in ro liathnuiged aichne crist tria riinib 7 gnimaib 7 tomoltud n-aicnid
  54. Aocbdl, Gwynn
  55. In MS. insin ;^ tre airde ^ dindocbale, with a mark after insin and before d indocbale indicating that the latter words come in before tre airde
  56. MS. et
  57. Here the scribe omits some words such as ocus canaid in salmso Miserere mei Deus
  58. MS. slechthith
  59. leg. is8en = issin? cf. p. 62 note
  60. a translation of the Irish fri Dia
  61. leg. forachulu
  62. in is written over the line
  63. aur is written over the line
  64. the first I over the line ; after leth fig' has been written and then cancelled
  65. recte 6ge cuirp
  66. MS. ianmithchumhu
  67. MS. isair
  68. oi.fordese Ml. 128» 3, indessiu Ml. 127*= 26, [dlessi below p. 256
  69. MS. anfuirthe
  70. leg. foirbthe
  71. Plummer compares the Cymr. Pasc hychan
  72. literally : there are seven kinds on the confraction
  73. see Isaiah xi. 23, and Vol. i. of this work, p. 670, noteb, semper septiformis Spiritus sanctus est, Eldefonsus cited by Plummer KZ. 27, 443
  74. the four Gospels, 5, the Acts, 6, the Catholic Epistles, 7, the Pauline Epistles, 8, the Apocalypse
  75. Angeli, Archangeli, Virtutes, Potestates, Principatus, Dominationes, Troni, Hiruphim et Saraphim, Lib. Hymn, 11"
  76. MS. inclinate
  77. John xix. 30
  78. MS. cluirainne
  79. MS. oifre with a tiace of final « : cf. oifrider 'offertur,' Trip. Life, 192, 1. 26
  80. .a. ni. Zimmer ' between anchor and aithrige nothing can be read with certainty ; the letter after r seems to be d, the two following letters may be ai ■ doanchordaib Jiraithirge or 7 ais aithirge ? J.S. K only the tops of ^ can be read
  81. d over the line
  82. MS. feinq, Gwynn
  83. leg. -corp
  84. cf. KZ. xxvii 441 sqq.
  85. Plummer (KZ. 27, 443) compares the gyrus of Eldefonsus. In natale uero Domini... offerendi sunt panes aequali numero et figura semper dnodecim per gyrum, hoc est in rotundum, ad significandum Angelicum chorum
  86. literally 'he who offers'
  87. This Cronan son of Lugaed was also called Mochua of Cluain Dolcain, now Clondalkin near Dublin. See the Martyrologies of Oengus and Donegal at Aug. 6
  88. Some letters have been lost at the beginning of every line through the cutting of the margin
  89. Here might be conjectured {cofuined dd)e8si
  90. at least three lines have been cut away at the bottom, Holder
  91. cf. Forloscfite?' torthi iarna tadbsiu iar[um] la tola n-echtrand 7 daescarsluag, LL. 188« 46
  92. Cf. the charm in LL. 360 top and left margins : ... dom anacul ar demnaib, ar drochdoenib, ar dornom, ar drochamsir, ar galar, ar gabelaib, ar uacht is ar accorus, ar anaeb, ar escuni, ar digail, ar dairmitin, ar dinsem, ar derchaine, ar mirath, ar merugud, ar theidm bratha borrfadaig, ar olc iffirn ilpbiastaig con n-ilur a phian.
  93. £ is not quite clear ; nn might be read im, Gwynn
  94. the letter after a is probably I, possibly horh; the next letter is quite blurred ; it , might be an or more likely the siglum for us ; the following letter is probably c, but the letter is torn, and it may be h, Gwynn
  95. the line seems to begin with o, but there are perhaps two letters before it ; then come two or three blurred letters, which look like om ; then apparently nm; but the vi is peculiar, and it might be ip, with the tail of p gone; for nvi might possibly be read iro, Gwynn
  96. the /i is a httle doubtful, Gwynn
  97. for the construction cf. Vol. i, p. 287, note f
  98. MSS. ishet duit odia • anatheset indabdane A; isket duitJwdia anathes et indabdane B ; feket diu todia anathes et in dabdane G
  99. MSS. Ataich crist ocus patric artmache • farna feiltdm naklsel teilc bruchir tart doit teilco » il farki/sel A ; Ataich > christ • ocus • pariacart mache • foma • feiltam • nachisel • teilcpruchir • tard • doit 'teilco' ilfar kysel B ; ataich crist ochus patrigarthmachice •farna felitdm naklsel theilcbrur tart doitus teilcho il far kysel C
  100. MSS. Cucendo chach • cticenndet (chukenndet C) faden • maith det faden • maith dochach AC ; cucendo • chach • cuken • det 'faden • maith • det faden • maith • do chach 'B
  101. for bhas
  102. MSS. Ainmne > ilao ocus innaidchi • nilonge ' colonge » ce lederemut • no f erf as sruithiu A ; ainme ilaoocus innaichchi nilonge colonge celederemut • nefersas sriuthiu B ; animne ilaoocus innaidchiiiilonge colonge celederemut no fersas surithiu C
  103. the correction and interpretation of the rest of the Irish is uncertain
  104. leg. cdili 'leanness'? J.S.
  105. Ebel quotes lacisal .i. la demon, Fiacc h. 37