The Globally Recognized First African Distance Learning University (FADLU) 

 * Licenses Obtained  " 

1 . The Education Board of Accreditation accredited First African Distance Learning University (FADLU) after achieving a remarkable score of 100 points, well above the expected average of 40 points, during a self-assessment conducted through CCLP World Wide Accreditation on December 28, 2020.

2 . First African Distance Learning University “FADLU” Unlimited was incorporated as a private company Unlimited by the Corporate Affairs Commission in Nigeria on March 8th, 2021, with Registration Number: 1766732.

3 . First African Distance learning University, FADLU is a registered member of the European Council for Business Education, with a registration date of July 19, 2021, at 17:54:52. The User ID is 770, and the profile is active.

4 . First African Distance learning University , FADLU is Registered as a Member of the Association of African Universities, Registration Number AAU/OMU/20210301/163.

5 .First African Distance learning University , FADLU is also a proud registered member of the American Association of Colleges and Universities (AAC&U) with an Account ID: 386827 E.T.C