Thesaurus Palaeohibernicus/Addenda and corrigenda

Thesaurus Palaeohibernicus, Volume II  (1903) 
Whitley Stokes and John Strachan, eds.
Addenda and corrigenda

[ 415 ]ADDENDA.

Vol. I.


XV. 10 add The former poem relates the miraculous birth of a son brought forth by his father, and may have been suggested by Galatians iv. 19, and 1 Corinth, iv, 15, The latter describes a symboUc mansion, ex- plained by the Latin gloss ' urbs fortitudinis nostrae ' (Nigra, Rev. Celt, i, 62)

xvii. 2 add Three instances of the confusion of indicative and subjunctive occur in the hymn to Aed mac Bricc cited in Lismore Lives, p. 324

xxi. 20 add n-armtar (gl. armari) IG^ 6, n-ebtar (gl. exauriri) 101 5

xxii. note 1 add Gilbert, Facsimiles of National MSS. of Ireland, Part I, pp. xvii, xviii, plates xxxi, xxxii, d'Arbois de Jubainville, £ssai d'un catalogue xcvii, Kershaw, Manual of the Art- Treasures of the Lambeth Library, p. cix

xxiii. 14 add Other sources are Origen, Je- rome, Augustine, Gregoiy, Isidore, Hilary, and Primasius ; see Zimmer, Pelagius in Irland, pp. 115 — 117

4. 10 Ascoli, Gloss, pal. hib. cccxxxvii, seems right in thinking that for is Latin, the source of the lemma profatur

5. 14 leg. cunarbu Idnsuth Thumeysen

14. 22 note on mbimmi, better mbimme: cf. al-UicJimme Ml. 14"* 8, techtmae 74«» 4, et v. Celt. Zeitschr. iv. 67

26. 31 na beula, better na beulu, cf. Ml. 131" 6

33 mesbaid : so in Ml. 50" 18 : cf. mesc- buid, Laws i. 230, mescbaid, rv. 340 5

32. note a add cf. Ml. 32« 17 and Laws i. 12, 5

4-5. note b add rogabthar may be 3d sg. conj. pass., cf. with AscoU, arna ragbatar Hib. Min. 244 ; but its syntax then is not clear


63. 22 Perhaps .i, arse is intended for in- quit, W.S,

47 erelca Uterally ' great evils '

74. 17 TO gigsed should perhaps be corrected to no gigsed

127. note e Ascoli, Gloss, cccxxiii, would read air ni bin 'nam non eram,' which does not suit the Latin

137. 24 babelon should be babelone, as in Ml. 82<=8, and in 1. 25 the gen. sg. in fuairrige should be inna fitairrige : cf. the ace. sg. fuairrigi Ml. 46" 28

143, note k add which may be sound : cf. fo- coemallagsa Aug. Cr. 2

145, 36 after 11 insert by firm (?) silence

177. note f add v, supra p. 3, 1. 16

184. 19 filistinib should probably be filistin- dib: cLJilistindi, Ml. 82'i9, W.S.

193. 40 Sarauw, Celt. Zeitsch. iv. 86, would render tiagsa by 'let me go.' But it means 'I will go,' cf. tiach xxii, tiagsa con-arlor tenid, LU. 83" 14; tiag dim daim, 133'» 23 ; LL. 252" 49

197. 23 gibiach cf. the nom. pi, gebeich, Laws v. 7, 11, gen. sg. gebiaich, ibid. 2. O'Davoren s.vv. cichtae and geibeich

205, 31 sechtai (gl, fictos). Here s is from Lat. /, as in senester, seib, sibul, slechtaim, sorn, srian, srogell, stiist

207. 36 prefix 9. is not loathed (cf. Urn Ml. Ml, 34" 6, Sg, 106" 4, gen, liussa Wb. 13" 6, Cymr. llysu

221, note c add and then translate ' figures of women which are placed,' etc.

233, 24 frisinnuall : as uall is fern. , this should be frisinn-uaill ; but cf. Thur- neysen, KZ. 28, 147

note h, add leg. immeraccubur *as to great desire,

244. 24 idumdoe should probably be iadumdae, cf, iadomdu Ml. 52

259. note g add sofeib cmrerortatar Sg. 210" 4 [ 416 ]PAGE LINE

262. 37 Ascoli (Gloss, pal, hib. ccclxiii) would render ouala by conlatratus

266. 32 huam fonnaib. Here, according to Pedersen,/ expresses the infected 6 of bhonnaib, of. nad fendar, Ml. 39<^7 and CZ. iv. 62. But see biait fuind fri airisiu LU. 81*^ and O'Dav. gl. s.v. fonii, a loan from Lat. fundus

303. 25 for sairfoichlech Ascoli (Gloss, ccxxii) conjectures sainfoichlech

304. 37 after not. insert 3. whose is, W.S.

316. note e add with dingarthce cf. ni lied don- gairthi 'he was not called that,' Stowe MS. 992, fo. 52. dingrae Sg. 50" 3

339. note c add cf. geltboth Sg. 53" 17

407. 22 -sisilbecha should be seisilbecha : cf. Ml. 63 8 and seiselbe 'tumultus,' Tog. Troi2 1152

410. 32 lugbart by metathesis for lubgort

430. 30 darucellsat should perhaps be cor- rected to daruaicellsat (de-a-ro-od- gellsat), v. Strachan, Particle Ro-, p. 39, 1. 3, and Sarauw, KZ. xxxviii. 184

431. note c after relative form insert {cechdigetar)

444. note c add cf. adeuindminim (gl. assuesco) Sg. 144" 3

446. note c add cf. Ml. 69«= 6

455. 31 forderisiur (gl. lustravi) s-aor. to forderet (gl. inlustrat) Ml. 78 8, Sarauw, KZ. xxxviii. 181 n., who also regards adroneestar Wb. 4'= 35, and arruneastar Ml. 50 8 as s- aorists of ad-{ar-)neithim W.S.

477. note a add but imfolnguba ' it will cause ' may be right

481. 40 after so insert one

501. note c add contfe .1. comaddais, O'Dav. p. 64

503. note b add See Zimraer's note, Pelagius in Irland, 44

509. 12 non inputabatur: Zimmer, Pelagius in Irland, 47, 125 gives the following gloss, of which som is Irish : .i. non in caelo sed in praesenti, non a Deo sed a homine erat som, sed non in- putabatur

514. note e add cuitir A. cutruma no coibeis, O'Dav. p. 69

522. note a add s-aorist to ad-, ar-neithim, Sarauw, KZ. xxxviii. 181 u. W.S.

529. note d add robadambeo LU. 60", ropadat- [t]ren LU. 82"


533. 24 adcotat a contraction of adcotadat

534. note b add dordith a aithig, Brocc. 4, 61: doraith Goluimcille, Lismore Lives, p. 25

536. note a add narbo chol do, YBL. 51 16

545. 20 cf. rabdi athber imaithber Togail Troi 1608

571. 38 Ascoli (Gloss, ccclxxi) would render Ml. ll** 16 by 'si ecclesiam vertitis in domum convivii vana magnifi- centia praeditam (prave superbam, indignam) '

576. note e add But see KZ. xxix. 373, isin leith cli in scdith, where scdith means 'speculi'

582. note e add or from fed ' jungere,' Cymr. gweddu (Ascoli, Gloss, cccxix)

593. note c add The nom. sg. uaillba is in Eawl. B. 512, fo. 38% and the derivative huailbetaid in Ml. 63 8

602. 26 Sarauw, KZ. xxxviii. 181, suggests (ro) laimilme]rsni

612. 29 Sarauw, KZ. xxxviii. 191, translates 'anderswie ihr'

652. note d add dammin for dammind, and this for dammint

656. 1 paruuli represents Origen's reading vrjinoL, instead of which our textus receptus has ijirioi

672. note c add tres unde babtismi tres dies in sepulchre significant, Pelagius cited by Zimmer, Pelagius in Irland 147 n. See also Aibgitir Crabaid § 80, Celt. Zeitschr. iii. 453

688. 18 of. is cor lama ar debaid em, or Fergus, YBL. 47" 10

691. 19-21 nam homines solent filiis parare praedia priusquam nascantur, Pe- lagius cited by Zimmer, Pelagius in Irland 109 n.

695. 42 after deceive insert me

704. 29 after owing insert to thee

707. note c add But cf. Pel. Oeng. March 8, Aug. 6, Sep. 10, Oct. 6, W.S.

713. note g add comair a tceib, Eev. Celt. xii. 60

714. note c add cf. e-nerti Eev. Celt. x. 78, and Cymr. nerthedd

725. opposite 539 add and cf. tdraill leiss. Trip. Life 144, 1. 26, taidleth lib, ibid. 246, 1. 16, and LU. 60" 1, YBL. 107» 4

726. col. 2 add p. 625, L 21, Ascoli's emenda- tion, is fechem 'est obnoxius,' is preferable [ 417 ]CORRIGENDA.

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xii. 28 for fs c, d read f. 3«=. <>

xxiii. note 2, 1. 2 dele wanting the first leaf

5. 10, 11 Thumeyseu corrects the glosses to •i. glasar .i. do m'lr arcud etc. 'verdigris, i.e. to gold or silver' etc.

11. 40 for he read who has

21. 28 for iudae read iudae

30. 43, 44 for be read exist

36. 42 dele (which)

59. 44 for punishment of the vengeance read penalty of the punishment

69. 24 for labraimme read lahraimmi

72. 2 dele »

79. marg. for c read d

80. 38 for lost read weakened, and cf. di- threcht O'Dav. p. 76, W.S.

88. 2 transfer 23 to uidilicet in I. 3

89. 39 for to enjoy himself, till it was lent him read that he himself might have enjoyed till the loan had been made to him, W.S.

45 for pay read give

90. 28 for is read has been

97. 42 for blood read bloods

110. 41, 42 /o»- proud read clamorous

121. 42 for sons read Children

134. 36 for straits read firths

135. 38 for was the read is the

161. 32 for it is read in

173. 40 for vengeance read punishment

179. 29 for one evening to them read the following night; and compare the modem Jr. iartiabhdrach a bheadh chugainn 'the following day,' an oidJiche bid chugainn, an samhradh bhi chugainn, etc.

184. 16 for amaib read isarnaib, W.S.

226. 26 for sirice read sirise

228. 18 for innafdiUe read infdilte and dele note d

35 for the... them read customary with them in a cry is the (expression of) joy with the hands

239. 37 for flesh and blood read blood and flesh

263. 31 for their read the

264. 40 for Thou hadst rtad He had

311. 40 dele the comma

326. dele note e


336. 20 for is straight read has been straight

395. 37 for 5 read 8

467. note h, 1. 2 for S^ read 3« 

494. 40 for gave praise read recited a blessing

495. 20 for adaniTa read adamre

46 for Quinquagesima read Pentecost

496. 34 read ru(min)iged

497. 3 read etalacdce, cf. vol. n. p. 88

28 read s{iltid bria)thar

36 for {eso)rcist{ib) read exarcistid (Laws V. 26, Rev. Celt. ii. 388).

504. 19 for gratdt read gratia

512. 31 for what is it then finally read even that then at last

513. 21 for dicit read 21a dicit, and refer this gloss to nesciebam (Rom. vii. 7).

note c for Tur. 4» read Tur. 108

528. 34 for talkative read arrogant (labor = Xd^pos), as in Ml. 58 "6

40 for (thy) read a

530. note g dele (leg. chaili)

547. 32 for 1 2. read 12.

552. 45 for reviler or condemner read de- stroyer (by spells) or injurer

568. note e, for seems to be the possessive, cf. niarnd corad mo chiall arna fordulu notiag LU. 57 11

570. note c for 14 read 4"»

596. 16 far in read in

612. 28 for potent in read able to maintain

615. 17 dele 5. ndcht dia

620. 41 for come read gone

630. note d for note c read note d

637. note g for Cr. read BCr.

654. note e for candldir read caindldir

660. note h for 1127 read 1227

661. note b for leg. indeiriccl read hence in- deircech, Laws iii. 462

665. 28 for fall read eclipse, W.S.

684. 41 for so read (I wish), W.S.

693. 13 transfer 13 to cancer in 1. 12

696. 42 for with read at (i.e. at the end of his life)

723. col. 1, opposite 293, for 21 read 31, and to conascarsat prefix 22

col. 2, dele 321. 19: leg. rerechl; cf. Conn. s.v. taurthat

724. col. 1, 1. 12 for I say read let mo say

[ 418 ]ADDENDA.

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6. 29 perhaps some words have fallen out, e.g. innahi {adciat iiidhi) frisairet. Then in the end of the gloss 7 might have been expected for .i. J.S.

9. 22 leg. cair in sochmachf! J.S.

33. 28 add 25b (sech)ti (gl. septimanas)

36. 27 nad : leg. nand ?

38. note h A cua, gen. cuad, occurs in the Laws : forcruid cuad 'excess of fleshmeat,' V. 284

note i cf. Cormac : Dobrith .i. dobur 7 hith usee 7 arbur • cuit aesa aithrige 7 pennaite indsin

for ith read iith, i.e. ith, J.S.

42. 5 for meraigim Count Nigra (Rev. celt. XXIV. 306) reads vierbigim, and he considers the lemma pruiio to be a mistake for putrio (i.e. putreo)

45. 19 add quod defunctum [leg. detinitum] est in terra more campi

46. 7 add (Eel. in. 8) Etqui cythos, cf. p. 360

12 add (Eel. iv. 34) nauis argo .i. midnau L, .i. ino naui P

47. 4 add (Eel. vii. 4)

5 after slan add haedi .1. slain {jilum L, plum P)

8 add (Eel. vii. 42)

9 add (Eel. vii. 45)

add Eel. IV. 45 sandyx genus herbae ossicoloris (leg. rossei coloris .i. glaus)

24 insert iace indas hantrat {Immerat P) chenn (leg. indarban tart chenn ' throw over thy head ')

26 add nisi achtomble P, aeht omle L (leg. acht din lem)


48. 10 for 56 read 55

11 before uaccinia insert delicias .i. dretel (Eel. II. 2)

before pruna insert lanugine corbui nn L (corbum .i. nn P) (Eel. 11. 51)

17 before stipulo insert conceptus .1. 1 con (Eel. III. 18) ; cf. p. 363

29 add Eel. vi. 31 Per inane .1. et hercil L, .i. et hercihl P, cf. p. 361

30 add (Eel, vn. 42) add Eel. VII. 46 et quae uos olo ci (leg. ol...)

34 before apio add Eel. vi. 65 ut amail (MSS. amai Inna.)

35, 36 The glosses in these lines are from a grammatical tract entitled Anony- mi breuis expositio Vergilii Georgi- corum. They are here given from L. In P2 the former gloss is air curara thir (aircurarathir g.), the latter is foilinn (om. g.)

50. note b add cf. Celt. Zeitschr. iv. 488

51. note c add im ord, im brugas, im buci, LU. 52 38, rendered by Windisch 'in Bezug auf Ordnung, Gastlichkeit, Weichheit,' Berichte der philol.- histor. Classe der Konigl. Siichs. Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften, Juli 29, 1884

55. note e add and Thumeysen

57. 23 -taibsid add note : reotius -taidbsid

70. note d add cailech cona these F. M. 1129, p. 1032, isin mil b6i forsin teisc find- argait, Aisl. 65, 6

74. note h But cf . cia b€ ammeit Ml. Bl*» 28

84 15 Perhaps bat means that consurfjere [ 419 ]lACiK I.IXE

is an historical infinitive = cousur- gebat

9i. 22 dercsaigi add note, rectius derscauji

'."1. 30 urani add note, rectius draim

1(»2. for note f substitute: cf. pingit id est componit, Philarg. expl. in Verg, Buc. II. 50

106. 21 in PCr. leno is glossed by conciliator stupri

note h add O'Davoren's irind (s. v. errbu, p. 82) supports the reading hirud

IIG. 23 mocoll. In the MS. there are two points under the former I note k after 262, insert serccoll ibid. 264

l_'j. note d add darin 7n[b]uadchloich, LL. 86*9

126. note g aeWgemeint ist wohl dodenom, Thur- neysen

138. 23 in FLd.Jlemen is glossed by sanguineus tumor

138. 29 archinnn stands twice on the margin, overagainst quoque cum tempore and Tegea non ipsa

138. note e a(Z<Z 1111, doloscud doaith, ibid. 1107, 1108

note f add The glossator seems to make two guesses as to flemen, one that it stands for fulmen, the other that it stands for flamen, W.S.

139. 26 archinnn is on the margin opposite queritur an hiber hiberi

143. 6 after figuras insert cum sint incor- porales

143. 30,31 On p. 110a opposite (ip)sam offendi- mus mediocriter stands archinnn

144. note e add labrad ardracht .i, ardfollus, H. 4. 22, p. 61, innrocht (leg. indrocht) A. nemf alius, O'Dav. 100

147. 31 for feda read /eda

148. note i add but see O'Dav. p. 49, arrath na filed

1-52. 29 .i. arc/iiunn stands on the right margin

loo. 18 for feissna read feissn(e). Schon das 71 ist sehr verblasst, dahinter kann ein e gestanden haben, Thumey- sen

IGO. 24 for coitoYun read coitchinne .1. illico a

178. note h add on the margin is written illicitus

180. 20 note e add Ascoli (Gloss, pal. hib. ccclxxxvi) translates e a mess limm by 'longa est, ut reor, huius e men- sura'


188. note c add after bled comes .i. bestia crossed through by the scribe

210. 30 taibsiu, add note : rectius taidbsiu

225. note f after translated imert But the text may be sound: cf. dotoruidib 'it shone,' O'Dav. 74 (to-to-ro-ati-b..), root beji cogn. with tpalvu, 0aX6j W.S.

228. note i after Sg. imert 183» 3

231. Insert the following note and glosses recently found by J.S. :

27 With a reference to et there is a note on the lower margin : com- ponitni ex ut utinam j utidem id est ut 7 enim 7 utidem • 7 ex hoc piobatni guod ex ut utinam com- ponitnr guia utpio utinam invenitnr 7 hie est ordo et componiturex hoc ut utenim et utidem inuenitur etiani re^iqua

nota caract&r (if the word be not Latin) f. 10 b

mechannicus [marg. 1.] mechannicae sectce f. 26 b

235. 5 from the facsimile togluasacth { = togluasacht) toghiaset chombairt seems to be one gloss

8 mac salach is on the left margin

18 the missing letters have been cut away

21 ruidgal is on the left of the upper margin without reference to the text

247. note a .bdn-martra and derg-martra are exemplified in the following extract from a note on the Felire Oengusso, Eawl. B. 512, at April 17 : Ni bam anmcara, ol se, acht do Incht ban- martra .i. ni bam anmcara, uair ragasa 7 do munter uili lat i nderg- mart?'a, 7 is ed on ro comallad

250. 2 add in margin f. 67 note c. Dr Ken- yon is not sure that the faint maik after arrdr is really ink

251. With the rubrics in this page cf. the following from the fragment of a MS. sacramentary lately found at Piacenza by the Rev. H. M. Ban- nister: Idndiunach 'a complete washing,' Immola Deo sacrificium laudis et redde altissimo uota tua etc. Offeramus domino deo nostro sacrosancta munera spiritalia. Dig- num. Benedictio dei patris 7 filii 7 [ 420 ]PAGE LINE PAGE LINE spiritus .rl. is sund canatair nadig- nuvama for tormach rendignum na- trindote 'here the dignums are chanted upon an augment before the dignum of the Trinity '

252. note g The pouring of wine upon the water signifies the divine nature of Christ added to humanity, Hart, American Journal of Philology, iii. 462

264. 35 Methbrain, Bury (Progs, of the B. I. Academy, xxiv, sec. c. Part 3, p. 115) suggests that this is a scribal error for Niethbrain

268. 47 after magnam add Et exiit ad cam- pum Tochuir 7 fecit aeclesias ibi7

283. 23 add .x. anno 292. note i add dichet from *di-co-feth, as the perfect dochuaid from *di-co-fdith : cf. ni dichet, ni tuidchet, Ann. Ult. 783, do-s-cuat Conn. s.v. rot

317. note e add W. S. thinks gith is sound and equates it with Vedic hiti 'anord- nung, einrichtung,' as this comes from an Idg. root *ghi 'to impel,' cf . Whitney, Roots 205

344. 25 A similar miracle was wrought by S. Mochutu of Eathain on the ex- king Constantine

350. 10 InisMatoc isnow, accordingtoO'Cnrry (Lectures 27) an islet in the lake of Templeport, co. Leitrim [ 421 ]CORRIGENDA.

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1. note f for come read gone 22 cancel note e. gathxtaid occurs in LL. 92 42 and Rev. Celt. xiii. 458, 473. So sadess LL. 95» 5 and sair ibid. 161»!

a 34. note b read prinuacrd

33 ioT frecndairc read /rccndairc

24 for eitigtid read eittigthid

3 after this gloss insert : Eel. i. 33: for amail cliethri nil L and N have the corruption nviicleis nihil

22 insert after cetgrinna (Eel. v. 71)

31 for gelbin read gelbintib

note a for om. P read hie, corr. die ; the word is Latin

note h for niailam read maihl

note V a erca Hagen

47. 10 for attoit read aatoidet, and compare turgent .i. fulgent in B

30 for clithi read clithi ab

note a for idar cha read idarchachis .i. calamis

dele note e

note m read MS. asta idet tede. asto id et tede P

note GO for luincecu read luincencu

rote qq for clithi read clithi ab

48. 28 for gle-elge read gle elge note i for mani leg. Jima adcubriiiue note 1 for om. read .i. snop note p for octhalcdib read octhal cdib

48 note g dele om. P

cancel note q. In the gloss viaiccini disse stands for maicc imlissen 'pupils' ('hirci sunt ocnlonun an- guli') J.S.

note t for cabam read cabii

note y for geltb... read geltbothib

note ee for om. P read ruscor .i. aittin P

note gg for MS. read MSS.

48. note kk for P read L

51. 27 for reliqua read T; similarly p. 51 l. 29, p. 71 1. 34, p. 86 1. 27

54. 23 for ni read ni

56. 33 for liter read litev

61. 26 for CO tiHfeth read co tinfiuth.

73. 20 dele la .i. ...icim

77. 41 for is this read it is this

78. 17 for alsnajiru read

80. 25 for dils read diles

83. 18 for anaitherrechihe read anaitherrech- taigthe

85. 17 for eY>imethis read epixmiYdda

87. 19 for cardiacam read cardiam, and dele note c

89. 16 for cuile read cuile

94. 31 for aconrodelgg read aconrodelgg

96. 30 leg. j'n draim

102. 47 /or •> rfod « 

106. 31 for cruthach read eruthath, and cancel note i

40 /or in any manner read from any for^ mation

108. 26 for re read re

110. 23 for horosio read horosio

111. 23 for anomuiibHs read anominihus

28 for hilin read hilin

113. 32 for fria firianach read fri analaich ' to analogy '

note d for o read a

122. note k for bl son read bis on

123. cancel note k

127. 41 for as such as read such as

132. note a for Herz read Hertz

135. 19 for ainmid read ainmnid

144. 35 /or 3 read 2

145. note f for declinari read declinare

147. 31 for feda read/eda

149. 24 for cojtchin read cottchine

157. note f for 39* 2 read 39» 3

158. 24 for A. {ante read {A. ante

168. 7 transpose b from ut to 6<pdafMS

175. 1 dele ' after nauciam

[ 422 ]PAGE LINE

180. 20 deU 6

184. 29 for anmman nadiechta read anMa Nadiechta

187. 27 /o?-/recnairc j-eaci /recndairc

188. note d for las'" 3 read 158 2

208. 23 for no?;unatiwMS read no?jiJ/tatiMMS

215. note e for Wb. read Wtb.

228. note m for 89 read 8

231. 3 for est read id est

8 si is a distinct gloss

Y 11 MS. Liccius (i.e. i with ?/ super- scribed)

24 for auitas read ciuitas. The glossator mistook pollis for iroXis, W.S.

27 for ut so read utso

28 /or utinam read utide?» (idem is added in paler ink)

234. note a for tairberthi read tairhirthi

240. 22 for ailsi read ailsi

244. 44 for of read to, J.S.

249. 27 for into ?'ead in

251. 4, 20 /or 17^^ read 18% and add one to each of the other folio-numbers in pp. 251—255

252. 3 for for read ior

253. 42, Aifor fraction i-ead contraction

255. 13 the marginal reference should be moved down to 1. 14

256. 6 /or cotuaisri read cotuaisri 9 for dama read damma

257. 4 rodscrih : d is written over the line

6 for dianchridiu read dianchridu

10 for neth... read neth" or nech'" {nech- tdin ?)

lines 11 and 12 should come next after line 8

PAGE 258. note a for B read C and dele/cfcct...C

note c B has cukenndet with the second n probably erased, Holder

note e B has aimne, Holder for nefersas read nonefersas

260. note i MS. fi, J.S.

261. note k MS. reliquis(gMi in compendium) J.S.

262. note b there may be a faint cross-stroke between the two first down-strokes, J.S.

d MS. seemed to have fihtranus ; the dot over the n refers to f with a similar dot on the left marg., J.S.

263. note n it looks like/<, J.S.

264. note c, 265. note o, 266. note f MS q '" J.S.

265. note c MS. aiMlo J.S.

note g MS. cellula J.S.

266. note d I could read only ro, J.S.

q MS. q"dam(?) ; am is quite indistinct; fill is clear, the following letter un- certain, J.S.

267. note a MS. quod, J.S.

268. note c MS. quod, J.S. h MS. drobaicum, J.S.

269. note c MS. dicoiltrigi, J.S.

270. 19 it looked like manis, J. S.

note c it looked M^Qfoirtclierno, J.S.

272. 30 for Triota read Triota

275. 28 for abae read abce

278. note 1 for Aithchamba read Aithchambas

279. 19 after Tudida dele "

321. 1 for ismalle read immalle, J.S.

334. 22 for haird read Iraird

336. 29 for furrows read ridges

346. note g for dith read did

Taibred cachoen legfas in leborso bendachtaiu for anmain R. A. N6ill ocus lor arnanmanani fanisin. W. S. drennach 7 J. S. albanach.

Cambridge: printed by J. and C. F. Clay, at the University Press.